AXIS A4612 Network Bluetooth® Reader - User manual


The following video shows an example of how you can install an AXIS A4612 Network Bluetooth Reader.

For complete instructions on all installation scenarios and important safety information, see the installation guide on

Get started

Find the device on the network

To find Axis devices on the network and assign them IP addresses in Windows®, use AXIS IP Utility. The application is free and can be downloaded from


The computer running AXIS IP Utility must be on the same network segment (physical subnet) as the Axis device.

  1. Connect power and network to the Axis device.

  2. Start AXIS IP Utility. All available devices on the network show up in the list automatically.

  3. To access the device from a browser, double-click the name in the list.

Browser support

You can use the device with the following browsers:














Other operating systems


Open the device's web interface

  1. Open a browser and type the IP address or host name of the Axis device.

    If you do not know the IP address, use AXIS IP Utility to find the device on the network.

  2. Type the default username admin and password pass. If you access the device for the first time, you must change the password. See The web interface.

For descriptions of all the controls and options in the device’s web interface, see The web interface.

Configure your device

The device works as a standard Bluetooth reader out-of-the-box.This section covers all the important configurations that an installer needs to do to get the product up and running after the hardware installation has been completed.

Configure the IP address

The device is connected to the LAN and must be assigned a valid IP address or obtain the IP address from the LAN DCHP server. Configure the IP address and DHCP in the web interface.

To manually configure the IP address:

  1. Go to System > Network connection > Basic configuration

  2. Under IP address settings, turn on Use DHCP Server to automatically get the IP address from the LAN DHCP server.

  3. Enter the IP address, Network mask and Default gateway.

  4. Turn on Always use manual DNS settings to use manual DNS settings.

  5. Enter the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS.

  6. Enter the Hostname and Vendor Class Identifier to identify the device.

  7. Select an option for Required port mode.

To find your current IP address:

  • The configuration remains the same when you restart your device.
  • LED indicators are located on the device backside.
  1. Open your device and press the control button for approximately 15 seconds until the LED indicators turn red and green simultaneously and you hear one short beep. See Product overview.

  2. Release the control button and the device announces the current IP address through the speaker.

Upgrade the device firmware

We recommend that you upgrade the device firmware when you login to the device for the first time. Download the latest version for your device from To upload the new version:

  1. Go to System > Maintenance.

  2. Click Firmware upload to upload the firmware version you downloaded.

  3. Click Upload.

  4. Note

    The device restarts after the upload to complete the upgrade.

Upload CA and user certificates

  • The certificate ID shouldn’t be longer than 40 characters and should contain only small and capital letters, numbers, and the _ and – characters.
  • If a certificate with a private RSA key longer than 2048 bits is rejected, the following message displays:“The private key file/password was not accepted by the device!”
  • For certificates based on elliptic curves, use only secp256r1 (also called prime256v1 and NIST P-256) and secp384r1 (also called NIST P-384) curves.

To upload a CA certificate:

  1. Go to System > Certificates > CA Certificates.

  2. Click to upload a certificate.

  3. Enter a Certificate ID.

  4. Click Select file to upload a CA certificate.

  5. Click Upload.

To upload a user certificate:

  1. Go to System > Certificates > User Certificates.

  2. Click to upload a certificate or private key.

  3. Enter a Certificate ID.

  4. Click Select file to upload a user certificate and a private key..

  5. If you upload a private key, enter the Default Key Password if there is one.

  6. Click Upload.

The web interface

To reach the device’s web interface, type the device’s IP address in a web browser.


You need to connect the reader in the door controller’s web interface. Consult the door controller’s user manual.

Access the device’s new notifications.

The user menu contains:

  • Current time on the device.

  • Change language: Select a language from the drop-down list.

  • Change password: Change the password required to log in to the device.

  • Help: Access the product help.

  • About: View product information, including firmware version and serial number.

  • Log out: Log out from the current account.


Locate: Plays a sound that helps you identify the Bluetooth reader.

The context menu contains:

  • Rename device: Change the device name.

  • Serial number: Device serial number.

  • Firmware version: The software version currently running on the device.

  • MAC address: Device unique identifier number.

  • Uptime: Shows how long the device has been working.

  • Hardware version: The hardware version currently running on the device.

  • Power source: The current power source.

Modules : Click to go to Modules where you can view and update module information for your card and Bluetooth reader.


13.56 MHz Card Reader

The context menu contains:

  • Module information: Shows the card reader name, module type, board type, assembly version, application version, and bootloader version.

  • Locate: Click to search for connected modules.

Module name: Enter a module name for the input and output specification.

Allowed card types: Select the card types the card reader should accept.


The context menu contains:

  • Module information: Shows the Bluetooth reader name, module type, board type, assembly version, application version, and bootloader version.

  • Locate: Click to search for connected modules.

Module name: Enter a module name for the input and output specification.

Signal strength: Select the distance for Bluetooth module communication with mobile phones.

Launch authentication by: Select one or more authentication methods for mobile phones.

  • Tap in app: Select to enable authentication when user taps the application icon running on their mobile phone.

  • Interacting with the device: Select to enable authentication when users touch the capacitive touch button, see Product overview.


Signaling volume

Signaling volume is the level of sound the device produces when there is a form of communication within the access control system, for example, the beep the device makes when it reads a card or grants access.

Key beep volume: Set the volume of the beep.

Warning tone volume: Set the volume for warnings and signals when the device operational status switches, for example, from power on to cable connection.


Backlight illuminates the reader indicator stripe, LED indicators, and touch button.

Signaling LEDs intensity: Set the level of brightness for the LEDs..

Backlight enabled: Turn on to enable backlight.

Intensity: Set the level on intensity for the backlight.


System dashboard

  • Network settings: Shows the settings that are currently configured on the device. This includes IP address, network mask, default gateway, primary DNS, and secondary DNS.

  • Date and time: Shows the current date and time on the device.

Network settings : Click to update the network settings. Takes you to the Network connection page where you can edit network settings.

Date & time: Click to update the date and time. Takes you to the Date & time page where you can edit date and time.

Network connection

Local network

The device can connect to a local area network with the Ethernet cable.

Basic configuration

Use DHCP server: Turn on to automatically get the IP address from the LAN DHCP server. We recommend automatic DNS (DHCP) for most networks.

IP address: Enter a unique IP address for the device. Static IP addresses can be assigned at random within isolated networks, provided that each address is unique. To avoid conflicts, we recommend you contact your network administrator before you assign a static IP address.

Network mask: Enter the network mask to define what addresses are inside the local area network.

Default gateway: Enter the address of the default gateway, which provides communication with off-LAN equipment.

  • Current IP address settings: Shows the IP address settings you currently have on the device.

DNS settings

Always use manual DNS settings: Turn on to set DNS settings manually.

Primary DNS: Enter the primary DNS server address for translating domain names to IP addresses. The primary DNS value is after a factory reset.

Secondary DNS: Enter the secondary DNS server address, as an alternative when the primary DNS is inaccessible. The secondary DNS value is after factory reset.

  • Current DNS settings: Shows the DNS settings you currently have on the device.

Advanced configuration

Hostname: Enter the IP network identification. Allowed characters are A–Z, a–z, 0–9 and -.

Vendor class identifier: Enter the vendor class identifier as a string of characters for DHCP Option 60.

Required port mode: Select the preferred network interface port mode: Automatic or Half Duplex – 10 mbps. The lower bit rate of 10 mbps may be necessary if the used network cabling is not reliable for the 100 mbps traffic.

Current port state: Shows the current network interface port state (Half or Full Duplex – 10 mbps or 100 mbps).

Web server

You can configure your device in a standard web browser with access to the integrated web server. The HTTPS protocol enables secured communication between the device and the web browser.

HTTP port: Enter the HTTP port to use.

HTTPS port: Enter the HTTPS port to use.

Minimum allowed TLS version: Select the lowest TLS version to connect to the device.

HTTPS user certificate: Select the user certificate and private key for the HTTP server. If there is no selection, the device uses the self-signed certificate.

Enable remote access: Turn on to enable remote access to the intercom web server from off-LAN IP addresses.

Date and time


We recommend that you synchronize the device’s date and time with an NTP server.

Date & Time

Synchronize with browser: Click to synchronize the time on your device with the time on your computer.

Use time from NTP or internet: Turn on to synchronize time on your device with the NTP server or internet.

NTP server address: Enter the NTP server address for time synchronization.

Manual settings:

Manual selection: Select a time zone for your device.

Custom rule: Enter a display format for time.


Certificates are used to authenticate devices on a network. The device supports these certificate and private key formats:

  • PEM

  • CER

  • PFX

  • DER

CA Certificates: You can use CA certificate to authenticate peer certificate. It validates the identity of an authentication server when a device connects to the network.


If you reset the device to factory default, all certificates are deleted.

CA certificates: Select a certificate for device identity verification.

Upload: Click to upload a CA certificate and enter the certificate ID.

Search: Enter a certificate ID to find it in the list of CA certificates.

: Click to delete the certificate from the device.

: Click to view the certificate information.

User certificates: A user certificate validates users’ identity. It can be self-signed or issued by a Certificate Authority (CA). A self-signed certificate offers limited protection which you can use before obtaining a CA-issued certificate.

User certificates: Select the certificate and private key to use for identity verification.

Upload: Click to upload a user certificate and private key and enter the key password if there is one.

Search: Enter a certificate ID to find it in the list of user certificates.

: Click to delete the certificate from the device.

: Click to view the certificate information.


The diagnostic logs help to identify and solve reported problems. You can use diagnostics to capture diagnostic logs for subsequent download and for technical support.

Ping: To send test data to the IP address:

  • Click Ping

  • Enter an IP address or URL.

  • Click Ping.

Close: Click to close the dialogue.

Diagnostics package

Diagnostics package is a ZIP file that includes network packets and syslog messages. It contains information about the device, its configuration, network traffic, crash log, and memory statistics. It also shows the number of network packets and the size of syslog messages captured by the device.

Restart capture: Click to restart packet capturing.

Download: Click to download the diagnostics package as a file.

On-device network packet capture

Download: Click to download the captured network packets.

Start: Click to start capturing incoming and outgoing packets on the network.


Previously captured packets will be deleted when you click start.

Stop: Click to stop capturing incoming and outgoing packets on the network.

Syslog capture: Syslog is a standard for message logging. It allows separation of the software that generates messages, the system that stores them, and the software that reports and analyzes them. Each message is labeled with a facility code, which indicates the software type generating the message, and assigned a severity level.

The context menu contains:

  • Delete captured messages: Click to delete syslog messages.

Download: Click to download syslog messages.

Start: Click to start capturing data.

Stop: Click to stop capturing data.

Network packet capture download

With this, you can capture and download incoming and outgoing packets on the device network interface to your computer.

Start: Click to start capturing data.

Time to capture: Set a duration for the capture.

Stop: Click to stop capturing data.

Sending syslog to remote server: Use the toggle to enable or disable syslog. This allows you to send syslog messages to a syslog server for record keeping and for further device analysis.

Server address: Enter the IP or MAC address of the server on which syslog application is running.

Severity level: Select the severity of messages to send when triggered.



Restart device: Click to restart the device.

The context menu contains:

  • Reset to factory default: Click to reset the device to its factory default configuration.

    • Select Keep network settings and certificates to keep the settings you configured for the network and certificates.

    • Select Reset everything to reset all the device settings.

    • Reset: Click to reset.

Download backup: Click to download the device configuration file to your computer.

Restore configuration: Click to upload a configuration file and select import settings in the dialogue.

Firmware: Shows an overview of the software version currently running on your device, the minimum software version available for the device, bootloader version, software build type, build date, and time.

Firmware upload: Click to upload a software file and upgrade the device software.


Reset to factory default settings

  • A reset to factory default changes all settings back to the factory default values.
  • LED indicators are located on the device backside.
  1. Open your device.

  2. Press and hold the button for approximately 24 seconds until the red and green LED indicators turn on and off.

  3. Note

    You will hear one beep, two beeps, three beeps, and then four beeps at different intervals.

  4. Release the control button after the fourth beep. The process is complete and the product has been reset to the factory default settings.

  5. Use the installation and management software tools, assign an IP address, set the password, and access the product.

    The installation and management software tools are available from the support pages on

You can also reset parameters to factory default through the device’s web interface. Go to System > Maintenance > and click Reset to factory defaults.

Check the current firmware version

The device firmware determines the device functionality. When you troubleshoot a problem, we recommend that you to start by checking the current firmware version. The latest version might contain a correction that fixes your particular problem.

To check the current firmware version:

  1. Go to the device’s web interface > Dashboard.

  2. Under AXIS A4612, see the firmware version.

Upgrade firmware

  • Preconfigured and customized settings are saved when you upgrade the device software (provided that the features are available in the new firmware version) although this is not guaranteed by Axis Communications AB.
  • Make sure the device remains connected to the power source throughout the upgrade process.

When you upgrade the device with the latest firmware version, the product receives the latest functionality available. Always read the upgrade instructions and release notes available with each new release before you upgrade. To find the latest firmware version and the release notes, go to

  1. Download the firmware file to your computer, available free of charge at

  2. Log in to the device as an administrator.

  3. Go to System > Maintenance and click Firmware upload.

  4. Select the firmware file and click Upload.

  5. When the upgrade has finished, the product restarts automatically.

Technical issues, clues, and solutions

If you can’t find what you’re looking for here, try the troubleshooting section at

Problems setting the IP address

The device is located on a different subnet

If the IP address intended for the device and the IP address of the computer used to access the device are located on different subnets, you cannot set the IP address. Contact your network administrator to obtain an IP address.

The IP address is being used by another device

Disconnect the Axis device from the network. Run the ping command (in a Command/DOS window, type ping and the IP address of the device):

  • If you receive: Reply from <IP address>: bytes=32; time=10... this means that the IP address may already be in use by another device on the network. Obtain a new IP address from the network administrator and reinstall the device.

  • If you receive: Request timed out, this means that the IP address is available for use with the Axis device. Check all cabling and reinstall the device.

The device can’t be accessed from a browser

Can’t log in

When HTTPS is enabled, ensure that the correct protocol (HTTP or HTTPS) is used when attempting to log in. You may need to manually type http or https in the browser’s address field.

If the password for the root account is lost, the device must be reset to the factory default settings. See Reset to factory default settings.

The IP address has been changed by DHCP

IP addresses obtained from a DHCP server are dynamic and may change. If the IP address has been changed, use AXIS IP Utility to locate the device on the network. Identify the device using its model or serial number, or by the DNS name (if the name has been configured).


The certificate warning is a standard procedure for OS devices. Click Advanced and then click Proceed to *IP address* (unsafe) to access the device login webpage. There are few options:

  • Use a different browser or device.

  • Click anywhere on the certificate warning page and type thisisunsafe.

When you get to the webpage, go to System > Maintenance > Firmware upload to update to the latest device software.

Performance considerations

The following factors are the most important to consider:

  • Heavy network utilization due to poor infrastructure affects the bandwidth.

Contact support

If you need more help, go to


Product overview

  1. Relay cable
  2. Input cable 1
  3. Input cable 2
  4. External power
  5. Active output
  6. Network connector (PoE)
  7. Control button
  8. Tamper switch
  9. Capacitive touch button
  10. Reader indicator stripe

Reader indicator stripe



Connection and normal operation.


Flashes for valid authentication.


Flashes for Invalid authentication.


To set the backlight and brightness level, see Customization.


Control button

The control button is used for:

  • Resetting the product to factory default settings. See Reset to factory default settings.

  • Restarting the device. Press the button for less than 1 second to restart the device.

  • Finding current IP address. See Configure the IP address.

  • Switching to a static IP address (

    • Press and hold the button for approximately 15 seconds until the LED indicators turn red and green simultaneously and you hear a beep.

    • Release the button after the red LED goes off and you hear two beeps.

  • Switching to a DHCP server:

    • Press and hold the button for 15 seconds until the LED indicators turn red and green simultaneously and you hear a beep.

    • Keep the button pressed for 3 seconds while the red LED goes off and you hear two beeps.

    • Release the button after the green LED goes off, red LED goes on again and you hear three beeps.

Capacitive touch button

The capacitive touch button enables Bluetooth authentication for entry and exit request. Users can activate authentication by pressing the button. You need to configure this button on the device webpage, see Bluetooth.


Active output

The active output connector is used to connect to a critical device such as fire detectors, alarms, locks, or a security relay.

DC +


8 to 12 V DC, max 600 mA
DC -


External power

The device has a cable to connect to external power.

DC +Red +12 V DC, max 12.0 W
DC -Black -

Input cable

The input cable is used for connecting to an external input device while enabling good communication between the device control panel and the input device. The device has 2 input connectors, input 1 and input 2 which you can use to connect a door position sensor and REX button.

DC +Input 1

Pink +

Blue -

-30 to +30 V DC
DC -Input 2

Orange +

Green -

Network connector

RJ45 Ethernet connector with Power over Ethernet (PoE).

Power priority

This device can be powered by either PoE or DC input. See Network connector.

  • When PoE and DC are both connected, DC is used for powering.

  • PoE and DC are both connected and DC is currently powering. When DC is lost, the device uses PoE for powering.

  • When PoE is used during startup and DC is connected after the device has started, DC is used for powering.

Relay cable

A relay cable to manage access locks and sensors.



Normally, open for fail secure lock.

max 1 A 30 V DC





Normally closed, for fail secure lock.

Clean your device

  • Harsh chemicals can damage the device. Don’t use chemicals such as window cleaner or acetone to clean your device.
  • Avoid cleaning in direct sunlight or elevated temperatures, since this can cause stains.
  1. Use a can of compressed air to remove dust and loose dirt from the device.

  2. If necessary, clean the device with a soft microfiber cloth dampened with lukewarm water.

  3. To avoid stains, dry the device with a clean, nonabrasive cloth.

Trademark attribution

The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Axis Communications AB is under license. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners.