AXIS Audio Manager Center is a secure and scalable solution for remote management and monitoring of large and complex audio systems.
Organize your sites — You can organize your AXIS Audio Manager Edge sites in a structure that suits your organization.
A location named “France” could contain a location called “Paris”, which in turn contains all the sites located in Paris.
A location named “Sales region South” could contain all the cities belonging to that region, which in turn contains all the sites located in those cities.
Monitor your system — The Dashboard and Sites views gives an overview of your system. Filtering functionality makes troubleshooting easy.
Access your sites remotely — Access the user interface of your sites remotely in a secure way from the Sites view.
Manage users — Invite users and add each user to one or several user groups. Each user group is given a certain access right, and assigned to a location or site in the sites structure.
A single user can be part of a group with content manager rights for Europe, but also to a group with administrator rights for a site in Paris, France.
Premium features
Scheduling — Schedule announcements, advertisements and music for multiples sites. The application continuously monitor the schedules, and automatically distribute audio to the targeted sites.
Get started
Configure the network
You need to have set up and configured at least one AXIS Audio Manager Edge site. For more information, visit the AXIS Audio Manager Edge User Manual.
To enable communication between AXIS Audio Manager Edge and AXIS Audio Manager Center, the following ports must be open for outbound traffic on the network where the leader device is located:
DNS Port Information
dispatchjp1-st.axis.com443, 80
Outbound, TCPProprietary device communication channel. One of these ports is required. Port 80 is only used if port 443 is not available. *
Outbound, TCPProprietary device communication channel.
Outbound, TCPMQTT channel used for sending and receiving data from a device to the cloud service.
Outbound, TCPNecessary for content distribution in scheduling.
Log in
Go to in your web browser.
Log in using the credentials for your My Axis account. If you don’t have a My Axis account, you can create one from the login window.
At first login you have to create your organization.
Accept an invite to an organization
When you are invited to an organization, you will receive an email with an invitation link from AXIS Audio Manager Center with the subject "User invitation to an organization".
To accept the invitation, click the included link or paste it in your browser.
Log in using the credentials for your MyAxis account. If you do not have a MyAxis account you can create one from the login window.
You will automatically be routed to the organization you were invited to.
Create a structure for your sites
Organize your sites in a structure that makes it easy to find a site or group of sites in your organization. You can assign groups of users to single sites or groups of sites by selecting locations in the structure. For more information, see Manage users.
Go to Sites.
To create a location:
Go to a position in the structure.
Click + ADD.
Name the location and click ADD.
Add a site
We recommend that you always adjust the volume on the AXIS Audio Manager Edge site before you add it to AXIS Audio Manager Center. Especially if you have premium features and active schedules, since the site could start playing immediately when it is added.
Enable AXIS Audio Manager Center integration in the sites you want to add:
Log in locally to your AXIS Audio Manager Edge site.
Go to System settings > Connectivity.
Select the checkbox for AXIS Audio Manager Center integration.
If needed, select AXIS Audio Manager Center O3C proxy and enter your organization’s proxy details for the network where the site is located.
Click SAVE.
Add a site to a location:
In AXIS Audio Manager Center, go to Sites.
Select location in the structure.
Click + ADD SITE.
Enter site name, S/N (MAC address) and OAK key (Owner Authentication Key) of the device used as leader in the site.
Format examples:
-S/N: XXXXXXXXXXXX (12 digit hexadecimal)
-OAK: XXXXXXXXXXXX (12 digit hexadecimal)
To find the OAK key:
Log in locally to your AXIS Audio Manager Edge site.
Go to System settings > Leader device settings.
Click Go to device settings.
Go to System > Network.
Under One-click cloud connection and Owner authentication key (OAK), click Get key.
- Note
You find both the S/N (MAC address) and the OAK key (Owner Authentication Key) on a note that came with the product that is used as leader in the audio system.
Contact Axis in case you lose your note. Proof of ownership is required for receiving a new key.
Set the geographic location of the site:
Select Include geographic location.
Write an address in the search to zoom in on that location.
Click on the map to add the location.
- To change or remove the location later on, go to Sites, click the row of the site to show the site details, and then scroll down to the map.
Manage a site
Go to Sites.
Click the row of a site to see the site details.
You can also click the site on the map.
View and edit the site details:
Find information about the leader device, such as AXIS OS version, serial number and product name.
Edit or remove the geographical location on the map.
View or change the opening hours of the site.
Download a server report file for troubleshooting.
Manage users
In order to use AXIS Audio Manager Center you have to be registered as a user in an organization. There are four pre-defined user roles:
Owner – Owners is a user role and a pre-defined user group which have full read/write access to all settings and configurations for the organization and to all locations and sites. Owners are also the only ones with the rights to manage other users and assign access rights. The creator of an organization is automatically registered as an owner.
Administrator – Administrators have read/write access to the locations and sites that are assigned to their user group. If they are assigned a location in the sites structure, they can add new locations and sites below that location.
Content manager – Content managers have access to upload and schedule content (music, advertisements and announcements) in all sites assigned to their user group. If they are assigned a location in the sites structure, they have access to all sites below this location. Content managers can also set the opening hours and set music volumes for their assigned sites.
Volume operator – Volume operators have access to setting the music volumes in all sites assigned to their user group. If they are assigned a location in the sites structure, they have access to all sites below this location.
The total access rights for users are decided by what user groups they are members of. Each user group have a defined user role and have sites assigned to the group. A user can be a member of several user groups and the highest access rights for a particular site takes precedence for that user.
Imagine a user that belongs to both of the following groups:
Group: Content managers France
User role: Content manager
Location: France
Group: Administrators Paris
User role: Administrator
Location: Paris (sub-location to France)
The user will have content management rights for all the sites in France, except for those in Paris, for which the user will have administrator rights. This is because the administrator rights are of a higher level than content management rights. When a user belongs to several groups, it is possible that multiple user roles applies to the same location. When this happens, only the user role with the highest level of access rights will be applied to the location.
- Invite a user to your organization:
Go to User management.
- Note
Only available for owners.
Create a user group and assign it a user role and site access:
Name the user group.
Select a user role.
Select the newly created user group.
Click Add next to Sites assigned.
Select a site for access to a singular site or a location for access to all sites below that location.
Invite a new user to the user group:
Click Add next to Members.
Enter the email address to the user you wish to invite.
The user group is pre-selected.
Write a message that will be included in the invitation mail.
Invited users will receive an email with a link to your organization. When they follow the link, they will be prompted to login after which they will be automatically routed to the correct organization. A user can be part of several organizations.
- Add existing users to a user group:
Go to User management.
Select the user group which the user should be added to.
Click Add next to Members.
Locate the user in the list and click ADD.
Monitor the system
The status of your system can be monitored from the dashboard where you among other things can get information about your sites' connection state and the connection state of all devices in your organization. Most of this information is also available in the Sites view.
Go to Dashboard.
Check the state of your sites and schedules.
Investigate your sites:
Go to Sites.
Click the filter icon above the site list and select the issues you want to investigate.
For information about each type of issue, see Troubleshooting.
To investigate a site, click > Open site.
Investigate your schedules:
Go to Scheduling.
Click the filter icon above the schedules list and select the issues you want to investigate.
For information about each type of issue, see Troubleshooting.
To investigate a schedule, click the row in the list.
Configure health notifications
AXIS Audio Manager Center supports sending notification emails for site or device connection changes to any recipients added by an owner of the organization.
- Create a recipient:
Go to Notifications > RECIPIENTS.
Enter the name and email of the recipient.
If applicable, choose what notifications the recipient should receive.
- Edit or delete a recipient:
Go to Notifications > RECIPIENTS.
Scroll or search for the recipient.
Click > Edit recipient or Delete recipient.
- Set up a notification:
Set the delay (0-1440 minutes).
- Note
The notification delay decides how long the change in connection state have to persist for the notification to be sent. If you for example set the delay to 60 minutes and have a short power outage or network glitches disconnecting a site for less than this time, no notification is sent. The system default is 5 minutes.
Click ADD next to Recipients.
Click ADD next to the recipients you want to add.
To activate the notification, turn on the Enabled switch under Status.
Access an individual site remotely
AXIS Audio Manager Center provides secure remote access to added sites. This enables remote site configuration of the local AXIS Audio Manager Edge system. When accessing a site, the rights of your user role or user group will decide what you will be able to do remotely. Owners and administrators have full access to all settings on the site, while content managers and volume operators have limited access.
- To open AXIS Audio Manager Edge:
Go to Sites and find your site.
In some situations you need to log in to a site locally:
- To configure a site that is offline.
- To make the initial setup of a site.
- To perform tasks that can break the connection to AXIS Audio Manager Center, such as changing the network setting.
AXIS Audio Manager mobile app
When you have setup AXIS Audio Manager Center and assigned users as well as permissions to your users, then the users will also have access to the audio system through the AXIS Audio Manager mobile app for iOS and Android.
By selecting Connect remotely in the mobile app, your users can log in to AXIS Audio Manager Center and select a site to control.
Premium features
AXIS Audio Manager Center have features that are only available if your organization is licensed. These features are typically advanced features that perform operations on several sites at once, such as content distribution or batch scheduling of music.
The premium features will only be available in your AXIS Audio Manager Center user interface if you are licensed or part of an evaluation pilot.
Distribute content
AXIS Audio Manager Center supports distribution of content files to your sites for local scheduling. For each site, the content will be stored on the leader device and added to the library of the corresponding content type. The files will not be added automatically to any schedule.
Supported file formats: mp3, mpeg, ogg, opus, wave
Maximum allowed file size: 20 MB
Go to Distribute content under CONTENT MANAGEMENTS.
Click the content type (music, announcement or advertisement).
Click ADD next to Files.
Select the files to distribute and click Open.
Click ADD next to Sites.
Select locations in the sites structure.
The content will be distributed to all the sites in the location, including sites in sub-locations.
With AXIS Audio Manager Center you can schedule announcements, advertisements and music to multiple sites at once. When you create a schedule, you target sites by selecting a location. All the sites in that location and in all its sub-locations are included. You can also select a label to further filter the selection.
When you enable a schedule, it is automatically applied to the sites included in the schedule, as long as the site is connected. If a site is not connected, then the schedule will be applied as soon as it becomes connected.
If the schedule is enabled, it will automatically include new sites that are added to the selected locations or its sub-locations, or if more sites have the selected label applied to them.
AXIS Audio Manager Center also distributes the media content necessary for executing a schedule, to all targeted sites. The exception is music schedules that were created with a local library or source tag.
When you schedule relative to opening hours, there is a risk that the event is set to play outside the day (0–24). This audio will not play. For instance, if you schedule an announcement to play 5 hours after closing time, and the closing time is 9pm, the event will be schedule for 2am the next day, and hence will not play.
Learn more:
Schedule announcements
Create a schedule:
Go to SCHEDULING > Scheduling.
Name the schedule.
Under Type of schedule, select Announcement.
Select a location.
For more information, see Locations.
To see a list of your sites, go to SITES.
To upload audio files and create playlists, go to CONTENT.
Configure the schedule:
Click + EVENT and select Single event or Interval event.
Fill in the details and click SAVE.
To enable the schedule, select Enabled under Schedule status.
Preview the schedule:
Under Preview schedule, select opening hours or a site.
To see how the events are configured, turn off Display actual time.
To see at what time the events will play, turn on Display actual times.
The event will become gray if it will not be played at all during the selected opening hours.
To save the changes you made to the schedule, click SAVE.
Schedule advertisements
Advertisement scheduling can be used for any content that should play repeatedly during a certain time period.
Create a schedule:
Go to SCHEDULING > Scheduling.
Name the schedule.
Under Type of schedule, select Advertisement.
Select a location.
For more information, see Locations.
To see a list of your sites, go to SITES.
To upload audio files and create playlists, go to CONTENT.
Configure the schedule:
Click + EVENT and select Single event or Interval event.
Fill in the details and click SAVE.
To enable the schedule, select Enabled under Schedule status.
Preview the schedule:
Under Preview schedule, select opening hours or a site.
To see how the events are configured, turn off Display actual times.
To see at what time the events will play, turn on Display actual time.
The event will become gray if it will not be played at all during the selected opening hours.
To save the changes you made to the schedule, click SAVE.
Schedule music
You can create background music schedules that start and end with an offset relative to the opening hours of a site.
For more information, see Opening and closing offset.
- Supported music sources:
The local library of each site.
A web stream distributed from AXIS Audio Manager Center.
For more information, see Audio Manager Center Source.
A source tag that targets local site sources, such as line-in and on-board applications.
For more information, see Source tags.
- Prerequisites:
The music schedule is applied relative to the opening hours at the local site.
To set the opening hours for a local site, see Set the opening hours in the AXIS Audio Manager Edge user manual.
To use a web stream source:
Go to SCHEDULING > Sources and click + CREATE SOURCE.
Name the source.
The type is currently limited to web stream, which is pre-selected.
Enter the URL for the web stream.
If the URL requires authentication, activate Use authentication and enter username and password.
Create a schedule:
Go to SCHEDULING > Scheduling and click + CREATE SCHEDULE.
Name the schedule.
Under Type of schedule, select Music.
Select a location.
For more information, see Locations.
To see all targeted sites, go to SITES.
Configure the schedule:
Select Require manual source selection locally before playback start if you don’t want scheduled music to start playing automatically, but instead wait for someone to start the music locally from the dashboard in AXIS Audio Manager Edge, with the AXIS Remote mobile app, or by using an AXIS C8310 Volume Controller.
Under Schedule time, set the offset time relative to the opening and closing hours.
For more information, see Opening and closing offset.
Add music sources.
Select a source type:
Audio Manager Center Source
For more information, see Audio Manager Center Source.
Source tag
For more information, see Source tags.
Local library
Click ADD.
- Note
You can add multiple sources to a music schedule. Users can switch sources locally from the dashboard in AXIS Audio Manager Edge if they are using a host device with AXIS OS 11.6 or later. For earlier AXIS OS versions, only the first source in the list will be played.
Save the schedule:
If you want to save your schedule without activating it, clear the Enabled checkbox and click SAVE.
The schedule is now saved and available in your Music schedules list but is not yet enabled.
If you want to save your schedule and activate it, select the Enabled checkbox and click SAVE AND PUBLISH.
The schedule is now available in your Music schedules list and is enabled, which means that it will be distributed to all targeted sites.
- Note
Note that this overrides any local music schedules.
Learn more
A location is a node in the sites structure. For more information, see Create a structure for your sites.
When scheduling content in AXIS Audio Manager Center, you must first select a location where the schedule shall be distributed. All sites at the location and in its sub-locations will be available for the schedule.
Labels are used to add an identifier to a site that can be filtered on or searched for in AXIS Audio Manager Center.
You can filter and search on a label in the Sites view to easier find sites.
You can include a label in an AXIS Audio Manager Center schedule to further filter the selection to only include the sites which have that label as an attribute.
Opening and closing offset
The schedules are created relative to each local site's opening hours. This solves the problem when sites that are targeted by a batch schedule configuration have different opening hours. The opening offset determines when the music starts playing and the closing offset when the music stops playing.
Audio Manager Center Source
The Audio Manager Center Source is a source created under SCHEDULING > Music > Sources. It is automatically distributed to all sites in the organization. The source is managed centrally through AXIS Audio Manager Center. Currently, only web stream sources are supported.
Source tags
If you plan to use sources local to your Axis Audio Manager Edge sites in your AXIS Audio Manager Center schedules, then you will have to assign a source tag to these sources in each of your local sites. Source tags are created in AXIS Audio Manager Center and are distributed to all connected sites in the organization. To configure a source in a local site with a source tag, go to AXIS Audio Manager Edge > SCHEDULING > Music > SOURCES, select the correct source and assign a source tag. This source can then be used in a schedule distributed by AXIS Audio Manager Center.
- Examples of sources that must be defined locally:
Unique web stream URLs (i.e. where the URL is unique to each site)
Example: An organization have bought an online streaming music service that uses an installed ACAP to deliver the service. They create a source tag "ACAP streaming" in Axis Audio Manager Center. Each site that has the ACAP music source must then assign it the source tag "ACAP streaming" to allow this source to be scheduled from Axis Audio Manager Center. When creating the schedule, they ensure that the correct sites are targeted using location and the destination tag, then they set the wanted opening/closing offset and finally select the music source "Source tag" with the tag "ACAP streaming". The targeted sites now have a music schedule playing music via the streaming music service.
Site status | Error message and issue | Suggested action |
Blocked |
| Remove the site from AXIS Audio Manager Center. |
Configuration error |
| Refresh the site:
| |
| Remove the site from AXIS Audio Manager Center and add the new leader device instead. | |
| Remove the site from AXIS Audio Manager Center and try to add it again. | |
| |
| Upgrade to AXIS OS 11.4 or later. | |
Limited | AXIS Audio Manager Center only have partial connection to one or more sites. The basic site connection (O3C) is in place, but the connection needed for most features to work as intended (MQTT) is not in place. | Verify that the network that the indicated sites are on have the correct configuration to allow MQTT communication:
Disconnected | AXIS Audio Manager Center has no contact with the leader device of the site. | Verify that the leader device is connected to internet and that AXIS Audio Manager Center integration is enabled on the leader device:
Device disconnected | One or more follower devices are offline or disconnected from the AXIS Audio Manager Edge site. | Verify that the indicated devices have power and are connected to the same network or sub-network as the leader device. |
Pending | The leader device has been added while AXIS Audio Manager Center have no contact. | This normally resolves itself without action when the leader device is powered on and connected to the internet. The pending state is normal for a short duration when a site is added. If a site seem to be stuck in this state, make sure one-click connection is enabled for the device:
The device can’t reach the dispatcher | You can find out if this is the case by searching for “stclient” in a Leader server report. To fix the issue, check the available ports. See the port list in Configure the network. | |
Syncing | AXIS Audio Manager Center is synchronizing the sites state, normally in response to an operation started by the user. | This state resolves itself naturally when the synchronization is done, which should take less than a minute. |
Schedule status | Error message and issue | Suggested action |
AXIS OS upgrade required | For the schedule to work, you need to upgrade the AXIS OS of the leader device for one or more sites. | Upgrade all relevant leader devices to the latest AXIS OS. |
Legacy device | The leader device of one or more sites does not support the configured schedule. | Change the leader device to a supported device (see the datasheet on the AXIS Audio Manager Center documentation page). |
Site configuration error |
| Set the opening hours for the relevant sites. |
Source tag not mapped | In one or more sites, the source tag selected in the schedule is not mapped. | For each indicated site, open the site from AXIS Audio Manager Center and map the correct source tag to the correct source. |
Schedule download error | AXIS Audio Manager Center couldn’t download the schedule to the local AXIS Audio Manager Edge site. This is normally caused by temporary connection issues, or by the network of the site being configured with a proxy. | Check if the network of the indicated sites are configured with a proxy. If so, make sure that the correct proxy settings are configured for each of those sites:
Storage error |
| Ensure that enough storage is available on the leader devices of the indicated sites. |
| Unmount and re-insert the SD card on the leader device of the relevant site. If the problem persists, replace the faulty card. | |
Multiple sources not supported | The leader device of one or more sites does not have the required AXIS OS version to support multiple sources in a music schedule. Only the first source in the list is sent to these sites. | Upgrade to the latest AXIS OS version on the relevant leader devices. |
Overridden | There is another AXIS Audio Manager Center schedule of the same type enabled on the site. | Give a schedule precedence:
Overridden on site | There is a local AXIS Audio Manager Edge schedule of the same type enabled on the site. | If the AXIS Audio Manager Center schedule should have precedence, select the action Override in the sites list tab in that schedule. |
Out of sync | The configuration in AXIS Audio Manager Center does not match the configuration on one or more sites. Most likely a site is currently disconnected, but it could also be that work is in progress or queued. | This should resolve itself once the sites connect again or the queued work is finished. |
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