AXIS Camera Station S2208 Mk II Appliance - User manual

Get started

The standard workflow to configure an AXIS Camera Station Pro recording server is:

  1. Install your device

  2. Initial Windows® setup: After installing your device, you are guided through a few steps to set up the region, language, keyboard layout, an administrator account and its password.

  3. Initial Axis recorder setup: After the initial Windows® setup, AXIS Recorder Toolbox is opened and you are guided through a few steps to set up basic and necessary settings, for example, computer name, date and time, and network. See Initial Axis recorder setup.

  4. Configure Windows®. We recommend to:

  5. Update AXIS Camera Station Pro to the latest version.

    • If your system is online: open the AXIS Recorder Toolbox app and click Update AXIS Camera Station.

    • If your system is offline: go to and download the latest version.

  6. Start the AXIS Camera Station Pro client.

  7. Connect to AXIS Camera Station Pro server

  8. Configure AXIS Camera Station Pro

Install your device

For instructions on how to install the product, see the installation guide included in the box or on the product’s support page on

Setup examples

Setup in an independent surveillance network

You can create an independent surveillance network which has no interconnectivity to another external network. This setup is a basic plug and play installation. The built-in switch’s DHCP server is enabled by default. As soon as you plug the cameras into the PoE ports, the cameras will power on and obtain an IP address and be accessible via AXIS Camera Station Pro.

Difficulty levelBasic

Dedicated surveillance network with no interconnectivity to another external network

Plug and play installation



PoE budget

No remote access

Actions needed

Change the default password for the built-in switch

Register the AXIS Camera Station Pro license

Connectors used

PoE Ethernet ports

USB 2.0 ports (for keyboard and mouse)

DisplayportTM or HDMI connector

Connectors NOT used

Switch uplink port

Server uplink port

USB 3.2 port (front side)

Universal audio jack (front side)

Setup in an existing network

You can create a surveillance network within an existing network. This means that the surveillance network is separated from the existing network.


When you use an additional recorder, for example, the AXIS S30 Recorders, the appliance does not route network data from the surveillance network to the server network for recording. Make sure that the AXIS S30 Recorders are connected to the same network as the cameras.

Difficulty levelAdvanced

Ability to use an AXIS Camera Station Pro client to connect to S22 series over the network.

Network segregation


May require you to follow corporate network polices

Actions needed

Change the default password for the built-in switch

Register the AXIS Camera Station Pro license

Connectors used

PoE Ethernet ports

Ethernet port — Server uplink for connection to network

(Optional) USB 2.0 ports (for keyboard and mouse)

(Optional) DisplayportTM or HDMI connector

Connectors NOT used

Switch uplink port

USB 3.2 port (front side)

Universal audio jack (front side)

Connect the switch directly to the corporate network

This setup integrates the system directly into your existing corporate network, allowing cameras to be accessed and monitored from anywhere on the network.

Difficulty levelAdvanced

Cameras are accessible from the corporate network and can be monitored with an SNMP server.


May require you to follow corporate network polices

Actions needed

Turn off DHCP on the switch

Change the switch's  IP address to a static one from the corporate network

Set the PC's internal NIC to DHCP or a static IP on the corporate network

Change the switch's default password.

Configure and register AXIS Camera Station Pro

Connectors used

PoE Ethernet ports

Switch uplink port (U1)

(Optional) USB 2.0 ports (for keyboard and mouse)

(Optional) DisplayportTM or HDMI connector

Connectors NOT used

PC uplink port (U2)

USB 3.2 port (front side)

Universal audio jack (front side)

Configure your device

Initial Axis recorder setup

After you have configured Windows®, AXIS Recorder Toolbox is opened automatically and you are guided through the first-time configuration setup assistant. In this setup assistant, you can configure several basic and necessary settings before you manage your device in AXIS Recorder Toolbox.


The settings are for the server. To change the switch’s settings, go to the switch’s management page. See Settings.

  1. Select Light or Dark theme and click Next (if it’s available for your product).

  2. Change the computer name if you want and click Next.

  3. Under Date and time, configure the following settings and click Next.

    • Select a time zone.

    • To set up an NTP server, select NTP server and enter the NTP server address.

    • To set manually, select Manual and select a date and time.

  4. Under Network settings, configure the following settings and click Next.

    • Use automatic IP settings (DHCP) and Use automatic DNS settings are turned on by default.

    • If your device is connected to a network with a DHCP server, the assigned IP address, subnet mask, gateway, and preferred DNS are automatically displayed.

    • If your device is not connected to a network or there is no DHCP server available, enter the IP address, subnet mask, gateway, and preferred DNS manually depending on the network requirements.

  5. Click Finish. If you have changed the computer name, AXIS Recorder Toolbox will prompt you to restart the device.

Log in to the server

Using the AXIS Camera Station Pro client, you can connect to multiple servers or a single server installed on the local computer or somewhere else on the network. You can connect to AXIS Camera Station Pro servers in different ways:

Last used servers
Connect to the servers used in the previous session.
This computer
Connect to the server installed on the same computer as the client.
Remote server
See Log in on a remote server.
Axis Secure Remote Access
See Sign in to AXIS Secure Remote Access.

When trying to connect to a server for the first time, the client checks the server certificate ID. To ensure that you’re connecting to the correct server, manually verify the certificate ID with the one displayed in AXIS Camera Station Pro Service Control.

Server listTo connect to servers from a server list, select a one from the Server list drop-down menu. Click to create or edit the server lists.
Import server listTo import a server list file exported from AXIS Camera Station, click Import server list and browse to an .msl file.
Delete saved passwordsTo delete saved usernames and passwords all connected servers, click Delete saved passwords.
Change client proxy settingsYou might need to change the client proxy settings to connect to a server, click Change client proxy settings.

Log in on a remote server

  1. Select Remote server.

  2. Select a server from the Remote server drop-down list or enter the IP or DNS address. If the server isn’t listed, click to reload all the available remote servers. If the server is configured to accept clients on a different port than the default port number 55752, enter the IP address followed by the port number, for example,

  3. You can:

    • Select Log in as current user to log in as the current Windows® user.

    • Clear Log in as current user and click Log in. Select Other user and provide another username and password to log in with a different username and password.

Sign in to AXIS Secure Remote Access


To improve security and functionality, we’re upgrading Axis Secure Remote Access (v1) to Axis Secure Remote Access v2. We’re discontinuing the current version in September 2025, and we strongly recommend that you upgrade to Axis Secure Remote Access v2 before that.

What does this mean for your AXIS Camera Station S2208 Mk II Appliance system?

  • After September 2025, you will no longer be able to remotely access your system using Axis Secure Remote Access (v1).
  • To use Axis Secure Remote Access v2, you must upgrade to AXIS Camera Station Pro version 6.8. This upgrade is currently free for all AXIS Camera Station 5 users until January 14, 2026.
  • When trying to connect to a server using Axis Secure Remote Access, the server can’t upgrade the client automatically.
  • If the proxy server is between the network device and the AXIS Camera Station S2208 Mk II Appliance server, you must configure the proxy settings in Windows on the AXIS Camera Station S2208 Mk II Appliance server to access the server using AXIS Secure Remote Access.
  1. Click the Sign in to AXIS Secure Remote Access link.

  2. Enter your My Axis account credentials.

  3. Click Sign in.

  4. Click Grant.

Configure AXIS Camera Station Pro

This tutorial will walk you through the basic steps to make your system up and running.

Before you start:

After necessary configurations, you can start to work with AXIS Camera Station Pro:

  1. Start the video management system

  2. Add devices

  3. Configure recording method

  4. View live video

  5. View recordings

  6. Add bookmarks

  7. Export recordings

  8. Play and verify recordings in AXIS File Player

Start the video management system

Double-click the AXIS Camera Station Pro client icon to start the client. When you start the client for the first time, it attempts to log in to the AXIS Camera Station Pro server installed on the same computer as the client.

You can connect to multiple AXIS Camera Station Pro servers in different ways.

Add devices

The Add devices page opens the first time you start AXIS Camera Station Pro. AXIS Camera Station Pro searches the network for connected devices and shows a list of devices found.

  1. Select the cameras you want to add from the list. If you can’t find your camera, click Manual search.

  2. Click Add.

  3. Select Quick configuration or Site Designer configuration. Click Next.

  4. Use the default settings and ensure the recording method is None. Click Install.

Configure recording method

  1. Go to Configuration > Recording and events > Recording method.

  2. Select a camera.

  3. Turn on Motion detection, or Continuous, or both.

  4. Click Apply.

View live video

  1. Open a Live view tab.

  2. Select a camera to view its live video.

View recordings

  1. Open a Recordings tab.

  2. Select the camera you want to view recordings from.

Add bookmarks

  1. Go to the recording.

  2. In the timeline of the camera, zoom in and out and move the timeline to put the marker at your desired position.

  3. Click .

  4. Enter the bookmark name and description. Use keywords in the description to make the bookmark easy to find and recognize.

  5. Select Prevent recording deletion to lock the recording.

  6. Note

    It’s not possible to delete a locked recording. To unlock the recording, clear the option or delete the bookmark.

  7. Click OK to save the bookmark.

Export recordings

  1. Open a Recordings tab.

  2. Select the camera you want to export recordings from.

  3. Click to display the selection markers.

  4. Drag the markers to include the recordings that you want to export.

  5. Click to open the Export tab.

  6. Click Export....

Play and verify recordings in AXIS File Player

  1. Go to the folder with the exported recordings.

  2. Double-click AXIS File Player.

  3. Click to show the recording’s notes.

  4. To verify the digital signature:

    1. Go to Tools > Verify digital signature.

    2. Select Validate with password and enter your password.

    3. Click Verify. The verification result page appears.

  5. Note

    Digital signature is different from Signed video. Signed video allows you to trace video back to the camera it came from, making it possible to verify that the recording wasn't tampered with. See Signed video and the camera’s user manual for more information.

Network configuration

Configure proxy or firewall settings before using AXIS Camera Station Pro if the AXIS Camera Station Pro client, AXIS Camera Station Pro server, and the connected network devices are on different networks.

Client proxy settings

If a proxy server is between the client and the server, you must configure the proxy settings in Windows on the client computer. Contact Axis support for more information.

Server proxy settings

If the proxy server is between the network device and the server, you must configure the proxy settings in Windows on the server. Contact Axis support for more information.

NAT and Firewall

When a NAT, firewall, or similar separates the client and the server, configure the NAT or firewall to ensure that the HTTP port, TCP port, and streaming port specified in AXIS Camera Station Service Control can pass through the firewall or NAT. Contact the network administrator for instructions on configuring the NAT or firewall.

Server port configuration

AXIS Camera Station Pro server uses ports 55752 (HTTP), 55754 (TCP), 55756 (mobile communication), and 55757 (mobile streaming) for communication between the server and the client. You can change the ports in AXIS Camera Station Service Control if required.

Security considerations

To prevent unauthorized access to cameras and recordings, keep the following in mind:

  • Use strong passwords for all network devices (cameras, video encoders, and auxiliary devices).

  • Install AXIS Camera Station S2208 Mk II Appliance server, cameras, video encoders, and auxiliary devices on a secure network separate from the office network. You can install the AXIS Camera Station S2208 Mk II Appliance client on a computer on another network, for example, a network with internet access.

  • Make sure all users have strong passwords. Windows® Active Directory provides a high level of security.

License a system online

To use automatic licensing, you must register your system and connect it to an organization.

  1. Go to Configuration > Licenses > Management.

  2. Make sure Automatic licensing is on.

  3. Click Register....

  4. Sign in using your My Axis account and follow the onscreen instructions.

  5. Click Go to AXIS License Manager to manage your licenses there. Read the My Systems user manual on for more information.

License a system that's offline

To license your system manually:

  1. Go to Configuration > Licenses > Management.

  2. Turn off Automatic licensing.

  3. Click Export system file... and save the file to your computer.

  4. Note

    You must have an internet connection to access AXIS License Manager. If your client computer doesn’t have internet, copy the system file to a computer that does.

  5. Open AXIS License Manager.

  6. In AXIS License Manager:

    1. Select the correct organization, or create one if you haven’t already. Read the My Systems user manual on for more information.

    2. Go to System setup.

    3. Click Upload system file.

    4. Click Upload system file and select your system file.

    5. Click Upload system file.

    6. Click Download license file.

  7. Go back to the AXIS Camera Station S2208 Mk II Appliance client.

  8. Click Import license file... and select your license file.

  9. Click Go to AXIS License Manager to manage your licenses there.

Manage Windows® user accounts

Create a user account

To help keep your personal data and information more secure, we recommend that you add a password for each local account.


Once you create a password for a local account, don't forget it. There’s no way to recover a lost password for local accounts.

  1. Go to Settings > Accounts > Other users > Add other user and click Add account.

  2. Click I don’t have this person’s sign-in information.

  3. Click Add a user without a Microsoft account.

  4. Enter a user name, password and password hint.

  5. Click Next and follow the instructions.

Create an administrator account

  1. Go to Settings > Accounts > Other people.

  2. Go to the account you want to change and click Change account type.

  3. Go to Account type and select Administrator.

  4. Click OK.

  5. Restart your device and sign in with the new administrator account.

Create a local user group

  1. Go to Computer Management.

  2. Go to Local Users and Groups > Group.

  3. Right-click Group and select New Group.

  4. Enter a group name and a description.

  5. Add group members:

    1. Click Add.

    2. Click Advanced.

    3. Find the user account(s) you want to add to the group and click OK.

    4. Click OK again.

  6. Click Create.

Delete a user account


When you delete an account you remove the user account from the login screen. You also remove all files, settings and program data stored on the user account.

  1. Go to Settings > Accounts > Other people.

  2. Go to the account you want to remove and click Remove.

Change a user account's password

  1. Log in with an administrator account.

  2. Go to User Accounts > User Accounts > Manage another account in sequence.

    You’ll see a list with all user accounts on the device.

  3. Select the user account whose password you would like to change.

  4. Click Change the password.

  5. Enter the new password and click Change password.

Create a password reset disk for a user account

We recommend to create a password reset disk on a USB flash drive. With this, you can reset the password. Without a password reset disk, you can’t reset the password.


If you’re using Windows® 10, or later, you can add security questions to your local account in case you forget your password, so you don't need to create a password reset disk. To do this, got to Start and click Settings > Sign-in options > Update your security questions.

  1. Sign in to your device with a local user account. You can’t create a password reset disk for a connected account.

  2. Plug an empty USB flash drive into your device.

  3. From the Windows® search field, go to Create a password reset disk.

  4. In the Forgotten Password setup assistant, click Next.

  5. Select your USB flash drive and click Next.

  6. Type your current password and click Next.

  7. Follow the onscreen instructions.

  8. Remove the USB flash drive and keep it in a safe placet. You don't have to create a new disk when you change your password even if you change it several times.

Manage AXIS Camera Station Pro user accounts

Configure user permissions

Go to Configuration > Security > User permissions to view the users and groups that exists in AXIS Camera Station S2208 Mk II Appliance.


Administrators of the computer that runs AXIS Camera Station S2208 Mk II Appliance server are automatically given administrator privileges to AXIS Camera Station S2208 Mk II Appliance. You can’t change or remove the Administrators group's privileges.

Before you can add a user or group, register the user or group on the local computer or make sure they have an Windows® Active Directory user account. To add users or groups, see Add users or groups.

When a user is part of a group, the user gets the highest role permission assigned to the individual or the group. The user also gets the access granted as an individual and receives the rights as part of a group. For example, a user has access to camera X as an individual. The user is also a member of a group that has access to cameras Y and Z. The user therefore has access to cameras X, Y, and Z.

Indicates the entry is a single user.

Indicates the entry is a group.


Username as it appears in the local computer or Active Directory.


The domain that the user or group belongs to.


The access role given to the user or group.

Possible values: Administrator, Operator, and Viewer.


Detailed user information as it appears in the local computer or Active Directory.


The server that the user or group belongs to.

Add users or groups

Microsoft Windows® and Active Directory users and groups can access AXIS Camera Station S2208 Mk II Appliance. To add a user to AXIS Camera Station S2208 Mk II Appliance, you must add users or a group to Windows®.

To add a user in Windows® vary depending on which version of Windows® you use. Follow the instructions on Microsoft's site. If you use an Active Directory domain network, consult your network administrator

Add users or groups

  1. Go to Configuration > Security > User permissions.

  2. Click Add.

    You can see the available users and groups in the list.

  3. Under Scope, select where to search for users and groups.

  4. Under Show, select to show users or groups.

    The search result doesn’t display if there are too many users or groups. Use the filter function.

  5. Select the users or groups and click Add.



Select to search for users or groups on the local computer.


Select to search for Active Directory users or groups.

Selected server

When connected to multiple AXIS Camera Station S2208 Mk II Appliance servers, select a server from the Selected server drop-down menu.

Configure a user or group

  1. Select a user or group in the list.

  2. Under Role, select Administrator, Operator, or Viewer.

  3. If you selected Operator or Viewer, you can configure the user or group privileges. See User or group privileges.

  4. Click Save.

Remove a user or group

  1. Select the user or group.

  2. Click Remove.

  3. In the pop-up dialog, click OK to remove the user or group.

User or group privileges

There are three roles you can give to a user or group. For how to define the role for a user or group, see Add users or groups.

Full access to the entire system, including access to live and recorded video of all cameras, all I/O ports, and views. This role is required to configure anything in the system.
Select cameras, views, and I/O ports to get access to live and recorded. An operator has full access to all functionality of AXIS Camera Station S2208 Mk II Appliance except system configuration.
Access to live video of selected cameras, I/O ports, and views. A viewer doesn’t have access to recorded video or system configuration.


The following access privileges are available for users or groups with the Operator or Viewer role.


Allow access to the camera and all camera features.


Allow access to live video from the camera.

Audio listen

Allow access to listen from the camera.

Audio speak

Allow access to speak to the camera.

Manual Recording

Allow to start and stop recordings manually.

Mechanical PTZ

Allow access to mechanical PTZ controls. Only available for cameras with mechanical PTZ.

PTZ priority

Set the PTZ priority. A lower number means a higher priority. No assigned priority is set to 0. An administrator has the highest priority. When a role with higher priority operates a PTZ camera, others can’t operate the same camera for 10 seconds by default. Only available for cameras with mechanical PTZ and have Mechanical PTZ selected.


The following access privileges are available for users or groups with the Operator or Viewer role. You can select multiple views and set the access privileges.


Allow access to the views in AXIS Camera Station S2208 Mk II Appliance.


Allow to edit the views in AXIS Camera Station S2208 Mk II Appliance.


The following access privileges are available for users or groups with the Operator or Viewer role.


Allow full access to the I/O port.


Allow to view the state of the I/O port. The user can’t change the port state.


Allow to change the state of the I/O port.


You can’t configure greyed out access privileges in the list. Privileges with check mark means the user or group have this privilege by default.

The following access privileges are available for users or groups with the Operator role. Take snapshots is also available for the Viewer role.

Take snapshots

Allow to take snapshots in the live view and recordings modes.

Export recordings

Allow to export recordings.

Generate incident report

Allow to generate incident reports.

Prevent access to recordings older than

Prevent access to recordings older than the specified number of minutes. When using search, the user doesn’t find recordings older than the specified time.

Access alarms, tasks, and logs

Get alarm notifications and allow access to the Alarms and tasks bar and Logs tab.

Access data search

Allow searching for data to track what happened at the time of an event.

Access control

The following access privileges are available for users or groups with the Operator role. Access Management is also available for the Viewer role.

Access control configuration

Allow configuration of doors and zones, identification profiles, card formats and PIN, encrypted communication, and multi-server.

Access management

Allow access management and access to the active directory settings.

System health monitoring

The following access privileges are available for users or groups with the Operator role. Access to system health monitoring is also available for the Viewer role.

Configuration of system health monitoring

Allow configuration of the system health monitoring system.

Access to system health monitoring

Allow access to the system health monitoring system.

Manage your device

Update Windows®

Windows® periodically checks for updates. When an update is available, your device automatically downloads the update but you've to install it manually.


Recording will be interrupted during a scheduled system restart.

To manually check for updates:

  1. Go to Settings > Windows Update.

  2. Click Check for updates.

Configure Windows® update settings

It is possible to change how and when Windows® do its updates to suit your needs.


All ongoing recordings stop during a scheduled system restart.

  1. Open the Run app.

    • Go to Windows System > Run, or

  2. Type gpedit.msc and click OK. The Local Group Policy Editor opens.

  3. Go to Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Update.

  4. Configure the settings as required, see example.


To automatically download and install updates without any user interaction and have the device restart, if necessary, at out of office hours, use the following configuration:

  1. Open Always automatically restart at the scheduled time and select:

    1. Enabled

    2. The restart timer will give users this much time to save their work (minutes): 15.

    3. Click OK.

  2. Open Configure Automatic Updates and select:

    1. Enabled

    2. Configure Automatic updates: Auto download and schedule the install

    3. Schedule Install day: Every Sunday

    4. Schedule Install time: 00:00

    5. Click OK.

  3. Open Allow Automatic Updates immediate installation and select:

    1. Enabled

    2. Click OK.

Add additional storage

The demand for storage can differ. Retention time of stored data or for storing high-resolution recordings often results in a need to install more storage. This section explains how to install an additional hard drive in your AXIS S22 series product.


Follow the instructions below to add additional storage to applicable AXIS S22 products. These instructions are as-is, and Axis Communications AB takes no responsibility for loss of data or misconfiguration during these steps. The standard precautions should be taken to backup data that is business critical. The following procedure of expanding storage will not be supported by Axis Technical Support.


To avoid electrostatic discharge, we recommend that you always use a static mat and static strap while working on internal system components.


Detailed information about warranty is available at:

Remove the bezel

  1. Loosen the two thumbscrews located at each side of the bezel.

  2. Remove the bezel.

Install the hard drive

  • Use only hard drives that have been tested and approved for use with AXIS S22 series.
  • When you install a hard drive, make sure that the hard drive carrier is pushed all the way in. You will hear a click when the drive carrier is locked.
  • Before you install a hard drive, make sure the power cord is disconnected.
  1. Shut down the system and make sure the power is off.

  2. Disconnect the power cord.

  3. Press the release button on the front of the hard drive carrier and open the hard drive carrier handle.

  4. Pull out the hard drive carrier using the handle.

  5. Insert a hard drive in the hard drive carrier.

  6. Fasten the hard drive to the hard drive carrier with four screws.

  7. Insert the hard drive carrier into the hard drive slot until the carrier connects with the backplane.

  8. Close the hard drive carrier handle to lock the hard drive in place.

  9. Reattach the front bezel.

  10. Start the system.

Add a new recording storage

  1. Create and format a new hard disk partition in Windows.

    1. Click the Start button and type Create and format hard disk partitions in the search bar. Select the result to open the Disk Management tool.

    2. Click OK if the Initialize Disk popup appears. If it doesn’t, right-click on the new hard drive and select Initialize Disk.

    3. Right-click on an unallocated region on the newly initiailized disk and select New Simple Volume.

    4. Follow the wizard to set the volume size, assign a drive letter, and format the partition.

    5. Complete the wizard to create the new simple volume.

  2. Add a new recording storage in Axis Camera Station Pro.

    1. Open Axis Camera Station Pro.

    2. Go to Storage > Management

    3. Click Add...

    4. Select the newly added drive and click OK.

    5. Go to Storage > Selection

    6. Select which devices you want to transfer recording data to the new drive.

    7. In the Store to drop-down list, select the new drive and click Apply.

For more information about storage management, see Axis Camera Station Pro — User manual.

Manage the built-in switch

About the built-in switch

The AXIS Camera Station S22 Mk II Appliance Series comes with an integrated Power over Ethernet (PoE) switch. You can configure and manage the built-in switch.

The purpose of the switch is to segregate traffic on the network so that security cameras and related traffic managed by the switch (PoE and the switch uplink ports) are not shared with other networks.

  • The switch’s power management follows these rules:
  • Each port can reserve power according to the connected powered device’s PoE class. You can also manually allocate power to a port.

  • If the actual power consumption for a given port exceeds the reserved power for that port, it will shut down.

  • Ports will shut down when the actual power consumption for all ports exceeds the total amount of power that the power supply can deliver. The ports are then shut down according to the ports priority where a lower port number means higher priority.

Log in to the switch's management page

  1. Go to the menu bar.

    • From the web browser, enter the switch’s IP address. By default:

    • From AXIS Recorder Toolbox, go to Switch > Open the switch configuration.

  2. Log in with your username and password.

    • Your username is admin

    • Your password is located on a sticker that’s either placed on the device or included in the box content as a self-adhesive sticker.

Log out from the menu bar to exit the switch’s management page.

Running configuration

The running configuration is the set of settings that are currently active and operational on your network device. It reflects your device's current state and how it's functioning in real time. However, these changes aren't saved if your device reboots.

In contrast, the startup configuration is the set of settings that are saved on your device's non-volatile memory. This configuration is loaded and applied when your device starts up or restarts.

When you make changes in the web interface and click Save, those changes are applied to the running configuration.

To save your settings to the startup configuration, use the Save icon in the upper-right corner of the web interface.

If there are unsaved changes in the running configuration, the icon will flash yellow.


In the menu bar, click Overview.

General information

Ports summaryActive portsThe number of ports in use.
Ports using PoEThe number of PoE-enabled ports in use.
Locked portsThe number of locked ports.
Power consumptionCurrent PoE usageThe PoE power in watts consumed by devices and the percentage of consumed PoE power out of the total dedicated PoE power.
Power requestedThe total power in watts and percentage allocated to devices.
Port statusActiveThe port is in use.
InactiveThe port is ready to be used.
BlockedThe port is blocked.

You can click on a port to view more information about it.

Power management

In the menu bar, click Power management.

Port list

PortThe port number that the device is connected to.
PoEThe PoE status. You can click the icon to turn on or turn off PoE on the port.
PoE classThe PoE class of the connected device.
PriorityThe priority of power allocation to the connected device. By default, the priority is the port number.
Power consumption (W)The power in watts consumed by the device connected to the port.
Power requested (W)The power in watts requested by the device connected to the port.
Power allocated (W)Manually adjust the power allocated to the port.
Only available when you select Manual as the power allocation method.

Allocate power

PoE power can be allocated to the connected devices in the following ways:

  • PoE class: The switch allocates PoE power based on the PoE class of the connected device.

  • Manual: You can manually adjust PoE power allocated to the connected device.

  • LLDP-MED: The switch communicates with the connected device and dynamically allocates PoE power as needed.


The LLDP-MED power allocation method only works for cameras with AXIS OS 9.20 or later.

To change the power allocation method:

  1. In the switch’s power management page, go to Power management.

  2. Select PoE class, Manual, or LLDP-MED under Allocate power

  3. If you have selected Manual, you can change the power allocated to the connected device in the Power allocated column.

  4. If you want to change the priority of the connected device, select a priority for that device. The priority of other devices will change automatically.


In this example, the switch has a total power budget of 135 W. A PoE class 4 device requests 30 W power but only consumes 15 W. A PoE class 2 device requests 7 W power but only consumes 5 W power.

Allocate power by PoE class

The power requested by each device is determined by the PoE class. The switch can power 4 PoE class 4 devices and 2 PoE class 2 devices. The total power requested is (4 x 30) + (2 x 7) =134 W. The actual power consumed is (4 x 15) + (2 x 5) = 70 W. In this way, all connected devices are guaranteed enough power and the priority is less important.

Allocate power manually

The power requested is manually adjusted to 20 W for PoE class 4 devices. The switch can power 5 PoE class 4 devices and 3 PoE class 2 devices. The total power requested is (5 x 20) + (3 x 7) = 121 W. The actual power consumed is (5 x 15) + (3 x 5) = 90 W. In this way, all connected devices are guaranteed enough power and the priority is less important.

Turn on and turn off PoE

Turn on PoE on a port

  1. In the menu bar, click Overview.

  2. In the PoE column, click to turn on PoE on the specific port.

Turn off PoE on a port

  1. In the menu bar, click Overview.

  2. In the PoE column, click to turn off PoE on the specific port.

Turn on and turn off PoE on all ports

  1. In the menu bar, click Power management.

  2. To turn off PoE on all ports, go to the PoE ports state drop-down menu and select Turn off all.

  3. To turn on PoE on all ports, go to the PoE ports state drop-down menu and select Turn on all.

Network overview

The network overview provides detailed information about the network traffic status of each port.

PoE ports

PortThe port number that the device is connected to.
DeviceThe name of the device connected to the port.
IP addressThe IP address of the device connected to the port.
MAC addressThe MAC address of the device connected to the port.
ReceiveThe current data rate in megabits per second for inbound data on the port.
TransmitThe current data rate in megabits per second for outbound data on the port.
Packet sentThe number of data packets that the switch has transmitted to the network.
Packet receivedThe number of data packets that the switch has received from the network.
Packet lostThe number and percentage of data packets that failed to reach their destination due to network issues.
LockDisplays whether the port is locked. You can click the icon to lock or unlock the port.

Lock and unlock ports

You can lock a MAC address to a port so that only traffic coming from that MAC address will pass. This improves security and prevents unauthorized users from connecting a laptop or other devices to the security network.

Lock a MAC address to a port

  1. In the menu bar, click Network overview.

  2. In the Lock column, click to lock the specific port.

Unlock a MAC address from a port

  1. In the menu bar, click Network overview.

  2. In the Lock column, click to unlock the specific port.

Lock or unlock all ports

  1. In the menu bar, click Network overview.

  2. To lock all ports, go to the Lock ports drop-down menu and select Lock all.

  3. To unlock all ports, go to the Lock ports drop-down menu and select Unlock all.


Configure network settings

You can change the switch’s IP address. But for most camera installations, we recommend using the default settings. The reason for this is that a surveillance network is normally isolated from other networks, for example a corporate LAN. In this case, you would only use the surveillance network to manage and collect surveillance devices and data from the video management software installed on the server.

  1. In the menu bar, go to Settings > Network settings.

  2. Enter the connection type, IP address, subnet mask, gateway, primary DNS, secondary DNS, and hostname.

  3. Note

    The factory default settings are: a static IP connection with address and a subnet mask with address

  4. Click Save.

Configure date and time

  1. In the menu bar, go to Settings > Date and time.

  2. Select the country and time zone.

  3. To set the time manually, select Manual and manually adjust the time.

  4. To set up an NTP server, select NTP server and enter the NTP server address.

  5. Note

    NTP only works when the switch is connected to a network and configured with Internet access.

  6. Click Save.

Configure DHCP server

You can configure the switch to use its internal DHCP server for assigning IP addresses to connected devices. When you use the switch uplink connection to allow devices to access or be accessed by external applications, you must specify the gateway and DNS addresses.

  1. In the menu bar, go to Settings > DHCP server.

  2. Select Enable DHCP server.

  3. Enter the start IP address, end IP address, subnet mask, gateway, primary DNS, secondary DNS, lease length, and domain name.

  4. Click Save.

Configure SNMP

  1. In the menu bar, go to Settings > SNMP.

  2. Enter the server name, contact, and location used for the SNMP connection.

  3. If you want to use SNMPV1 or SNMPV2c, select SNMPV1 / SNMPV2c and enter the read community.

  4. If you want to use SNMPV3, select SNMPV3 (MD5) and enter the username and password.

  5. Note

    Currently we only support MD5 authentication used for SNMP.

  6. Click Save.


Update firmware

  1. In the menu bar, go to Maintenance > Update firmware.

  2. Drag and drop the firmware file or click Browse and navigate to the firmware file.

  3. Click Upload.

  4. Once the firmware has been updated, reboot the switch.

Reboot the switch


While the switch reboots, all connected devices will temporarily lose connection with the switch including PoE.

  1. In the menu bar, go to Maintenance > Reboot switch.

  2. Click Reboot and Yes.

  3. When the switch reboots after a few minutes, enter your username and password to log in.

Backup the switch's settings


The username and password are included in the backup file.

  1. In the menu bar, go to Maintenance > Backup and restore.

  2. Click Create a backup file. This creates a backup file in the .bin format and saves it in your Downloads folder.

Restore the switch's settings


To restore the switch’s settings, you must previously have created a backup file.

  1. In the menu bar, go to Maintenance > Backup and restore.

  2. Drag and drop the backup file or click Browse and navigate to the backup file.

  3. Click Upload.

It can take a few minutes to restore the switch from the backup file. Once the settings are restored, the switch will automatically reboot, and you will need to log in again.

Manage certificates

  1. In the menu bar, go to Maintenance > Manage certificates.

  2. Click and navigate to your private key file.

  3. Click and navigate to your certificate file.

  4. Click and navigate to your CA bundle file.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Reboot the switch.

Change password

You can change the switch's default password to a password you choose yourself.


Make sure to select a password you can remember. If you forget the password, see Reset to factory default settings to restore the factory default password.

  1. In the menu bar, go to Maintenance > Change password.

  2. Enter the current password and your new password as required.

  3. Click Save.

Configure web settings

  1. In the menu bar, go to Maintenance > Web settings.

  2. Enter the port number.

  • If you decide to change the port number, make sure to write down the new port number. If you forget the new port number, see Reset to factory default settings to restore the factory default port number.
  • We recommend that you keep HTTPS enabled.

Reset to factory default settings

Hold down the reset button for five seconds to reset the switch to its factory default settings.

You can also reset the switch through the web interface:

  1. In the menu bar, go to Maintenance > Reset to factory default settings.

  2. Click Reset and Yes.

After the reset is done, the switch will reboot automatically.


In the menu bar, click Logs to see a list of logs. Click the column title to sort in alphabetical order.

TimeThe date and time the log event occurred.
LevelThe level of severity displayed as warning icons.
UserThe user that initiated the log event.
IP addressThe IP address of the user that initiated the log event.
ServiceThe service that the log event is related to. Possible values are desktop, network, network, system, ntpd, storage, dhcp, etc.
EventA description of the log event.

Create switch reports

In the log page, click Export to create a text file with switch information, including the log entries from the log page.


Product overview

Front and rear

  1. Power connector
  2. Switch reset button
  3. 1 GbE Ethernet port — Server uplink
  4. 1 GbE PoE Ethernet ports
  5. 1 GbE Ethernet port — Switch uplink (RJ45)
  6. Server reset button
  7. USB 2.0 ports
  8. HDMI ports
  9. Power button
  10. Power LED
  11. Hard drive activity LED
  12. Universal audio jack
  13. USB 3.2 ports
  14. PoE Ethernet ports status LED
  15. Hard drive activity LED
  16. Hard drive status LED

LED indicators

Front LEDs

Power buttonPower LEDIndication
Not pressedOffPC and switch are off
AmberPC is on and switch is off
Blinks amberPC is on and switch is booting
GreenPC is on and the switch has finished booting
PressedUp to 0 secondsPowers on both the switch and PC if they are turned off
Until it blinks amber (3 seconds)Switch initiates graceful shutdown
Until it blinks red (6 seconds)PC and switch initiate graceful shutdown
Until it turns solid red (9 seconds)PC initiates ungraceful shutdown, switch initiates graceful shutdown
LED indicatorColorIndication
Hard drive (HDD)Blinks greenHard drive activity
RedPossible hard drive failure
PoE Ethernet port statusGreenLink state
AmberPowered device, no link state
RedPoE budget exceeded
Hard drive statusGreenHard drive present
RedPossible hard drive failure

Rear LEDs

Network speed and activityColorIndication
Right LEDAmber10/100 Mbit/s
Green1000 Mbit/s
Left LEDGreenPoE connection OK
RedPoE budget exceeded


Reset your server

You can use the server reset button to reset your server. It will take more than one hour to reset your server.

  1. Power off your device.

  2. Press and hold the server reset button for 5 seconds. Windows® RE will be started.

  3. Select Troubleshoot.

  4. Select Reset your PC.

  5. Select Keep my files or Remove everything. If you select Keep my files, you need to provide the administrator credentials.

  6. Follow the instructions on the screen.

  7. The server reboots and starts the procedure to restore Windows® to factory default settings.

Reset your server to factory default settings

Perform a system recovery

If the device has had a complete system failure, you must use a recovery image to recreate the Windows® system. To download the AXIS Network Video Recorder Recovery Kit, contact Axis technical support and supply the serial number of your device.

  1. Download the AXIS Network Video Recorder Recovery Kit and AXIS Network Video Recorder Recovery: ISO to USB Tool.

  2. Insert a USB drive into your computer.

    • Use a USB drive with a minimum of 16 GB.

    • The USB drive will be formatted, and all existing data will be erased.

  3. Run the AXIS Network Video Recorder Recovery: ISO to USB Tool and follow the onscreen instructions.

    Writing data to the USB drive takes approximately 10 to 15 min. Don’t remove the USB drive until the process is complete.

  4. After the AXIS Network Video Recorder Recovery: ISO to USB Tool is complete, take the USB drive and plug it into your device.

  5. Start your device.

  6. When you see the Axis splash screen, press F12.

  7. Click UEFI: USB Drive.

  8. Navigate to your USB drive and press enter. The system boots into the AXIS Network Video Recorder Recovery Kit.

  9. Click Reinstall Operating System.

    The recovery takes roughly 10 to 15 min to complete. You find detailed instructions in the download for the recovery kit.

Troubleshoot AXIS Camera Station Pro

For information about how to troubleshoot AXIS Camera Station Pro, go to the AXIS Camera Station Pro user manual.

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