My Systems - User manual


My Systems is where you access the cloud services and extended features of our offerings. This is where you oversee, manage and maintain your devices and applications. Depending on your subscription, you can manage anything from a small business to multiple sites across the world. To do this in an efficient and secure manner, we use organizations as a way to gather everything needed for a company to run it’s security infrastructure in one place.

The My Systems structure also allows for management of multiple organizations. That way, integrators or large corporations can separate clients and subsidiaries that operate independently but still maintain their licensed software solutions and devices.

What's new

To view all of the recent improvements and changes, along with a history of previous updates, go to What’s new in My Systems.

March 2025

This is what’s new in the March 2025 release of My Systems:

AXIS Camera Station

If you are a user of AXIS Camera Station Pro 6.7, this is what’s new in My Systems:

  • Cloud storage — Now you’ll have the ability to record AXIS Camera Station Pro cameras within the cloud. Check the requirements in the technical specifications for this feature. These prerequisites are needed when using cloud storage:

    • A system setup with AXIS Camera Station Pro.

    • The server must be registered to Connected services.

    • Cameras with AXIS OS version 11.11.73 or later.

  • Smart search - free text search — Now you can use your own words to quickly search for your recorded content. Note that this feature requires AXIS Camera Station Pro 6.7.

  • Take snapshot — Take a snapshot of the current view of a video source and save it. The snapshot is copied to the clipboard and downloaded to your computer. An easy way to be able to share information from your video operation in My Systems.

In addition to the mentioned features, the release includes performance improvements and fixes.

Get started

Register a My Axis account

Register a My Axis account at

To make your My Axis account more secure, activate multi-factor authentication (MFA). MFA is a security system that adds another layer of verification to ensure the user’s identity.

  1. To activate MFA:
  2. Go to

  3. Log in with your My Axis credentials.

  4. Go to and select Account settings.

  5. Click Security settings

  6. Click Handle your 2-factor authentication.

  7. Enter your My Axis credentials.

  8. Choose one of the authentication methods Authenticator App (TOTP) or Email and follow the on-screen instructions.

Create organizations

To create an organization:

  1. Sign in to My Systems using your My Axis account.

  2. Follow the instructions of the setup assistant

To create additional organizations:

  1. Go to the drop-down menu with your organization’s name.

  2. Select + Create new organization

  3. Follow the instructions of the setup assistant.

Manage users

Add users to your organization

  1. Select the organization where you would like configure user settings.

  2. Go to the My Systems panel.

  3. Go to ORGANIZATION > Users.

  4. Click Invite users.

  5. Follow the on-screen instructions of the setup assistant.

    • If you’ve selected Operator or Viewer, select which folders the users will have access to. Note that Admin roles have access to all of the folders in the organization.


The user will receive an invitation email that they can use to sign in to My Systems. If the user doesn’t have a My Axis account, the user must use that email to sign up in order to access the organization. Invites can be revoked while acceptance is pending.

About user roles

User roles determines how much access a user has to the systems in you organization. Available features vary depending on the role of the user.


Administrators have access to the entire system. That includes managing users, devices, licenses, videos and other content.

They can also onboard devices using AXIS Camera Station Pro and AXIS Installer. Administrators can manage AXIS Camera Station Pro Server Monitoring in My Systems.


Operators can monitor live video feeds, control devices, and access recordings for playback. They get an overview of the users of the organization and their respective roles. Operators can also manage AXIS Camera Station Pro Server Monitoring in My Systems.


Viewers can monitor live video feeds, but can’t control devices or access recordings. They get an overview of the users of the organization and their respective roles.

Elevate user role

  1. Select the organization where you would like configure user settings.

  2. Go to the My Systems panel.

  3. Under ORGANIZATION, go to Users.

  4. Click on the user you’d like to elevate and click on Roles and access.

  5. Follow the on-screen instructions of the setup assistant.


The role changes immediately once selected. For security reasons, invites are limited to the viewer role.

Remove users

  1. Select the organization where you would like configure user settings.

  2. Go to the My Systems panel.

  3. Under ORGANIZATION, go to Users.

  4. Hover the mouse pointer over the user you would like to remove to show a new options menu: ...

  5. Click ... and select Remove user in the drop down menu.

  6. Remove multiple users
  1. Select the users you’d like to remove.

  2. Click on the trash can in the action menu.

  3. Click Remove.

Manage access

Create folders

To manage access to your devices throughout your organization, you can place the devices in different folders. The folders can represent geographical locations down to specific rooms in a building or devices tied to a specific role within the organization.

To create a folder:

  1. Go to the My Systems panel.

  2. Go to AXIS DEVICE MANAGER > Devices

  3. Hover over the top folder and click on ... to access the drop-down menu.

  4. Select Create.

  5. Enter a name for the folder and click Create.

Delete folders

To delete a folder:

  1. Go to the My Systems panel.

  2. Go to AXIS DEVICE MANAGER > Devices

  3. Hover over the folder and click on ... to access the drop-down menu.

  4. Select Delete.

  5. Confirm that you’ve understood the risks by checking the box and then click Delete.


Note that you delete the folder with all of its resources and subfolders. This includes connected systems like AXIS Camera Station or AXIS Body Worn. To avoid making those systems inaccessible, make sure nothing is connected to the folder you want to delete. Users that have been granted access will have their permissions revoked. To avoid losing access to devices, transfer them to another folder before you continue. Note that any issues derived from this action can only be handled by Axis technical support at this time.

Grant access

To grant access to specific folders:

  1. Select the organization where you would like configure user settings.

  2. Go to the My Systems panel.

  3. Under ORGANIZATION, go to Users.

  4. Click on the user you’d like to grant access and click on Roles and access.

  5. Follow the on-screen instructions of the setup assistant. The roles affect the permissions in the folder. Read more in About user roles.

Manage devices

AXIS OS management

With AXIS Device Manager in My Systems you can manage the operating system of multiple devices in each organization.

Upgrade device software

To upgrade AXIS OS versions on devices across you organization:

  1. Select the organization where you would like configure user settings.

  2. Go to the My Systems panel.

  3. Go to AXIS DEVICE MANAGER > Devices

  4. Select a model that has a recommended upgrade.

  5. Click on the Device software upgrade icon in the action menu above the device list.

  6. Click on Upgrade.

View AXIS OS upgrades

  1. To view a list of completed and ongoing AXIS OS upgrades in your organization:
  2. Go to the My Systems panel.

  3. Go to AXIS DEVICE MANAGER>Devices

  4. Click the Tasks icon.

Manage licenses

About licenses

My Systems helps you manage subscription licenses for Axis products and services in a centralized way. You get a complete overview of trials, grace periods, license status and other relevant information related to your subscriptions for your organization.

You can manage three types of licenses:

  • Subscription licenses, valid for a specific time period.

  • Tied-to-hardware licenses, valid for the lifetime of the hardware.

  • Upgrade licenses, valid for one-time upgrade of an existing license.

Read more about the different license types and how to license your product in our license guide.

Before you can start licensing your software product you need to register the software product to an organization.

Get started

To license your product you first have to buy a license key from a supplier.

  1. You first have to buy a license key from a supplier: Buy licenses

  2. Depending on your solution, you then choose the next step.

Buy licenses

If you don't have a license yet, get in touch with a system integrator or a reseller. To find a suitable system integrator or reseller, go to Product list and click on the link Where to buy licenses to get information on local system integrators or resellers from all over the world based on your location.

License offline systems

To license an offline system, you need to upload a system description file to My Systems.


Check to see that you have chosen the correct organization, as there is currently no way of transferring licenses between organizations.

  1. Create a system file in the software you’d like to register.

  2. Go to Licenses in My Systems (web application) on an online device.

  3. Select the organization to manage in organization drop-down menu in the top bar.

  4. Click Upload system file in the Product list.

  5. Follow the on screen instructions.

Store licenses for future use

To make the process of adding licenses easier, you can buy more licenses than you currently use. Licenses that are not immediately allocated will be stored in the wallet, and can be used to renew your subscriptions at the next renewal period. You can store licenses for a for a maximum of five years. Go to the Product wallet to see the number of licenses you have in storage for your product.

Review activity history

To review your organization’s previous activity, go to History. There you can see who in your organization allocated licenses or redeemed a license key and when it happened.

Start a subscription

The first step to license your product is to start a subscription. When you have started your subscription, you get a grace period of 30 days to buy license, redeem license keys and allocate the licenses to continue using the software.

  1. Go to Licenses in My Systems.

  2. Select the organization to manage in the top bar menu.

  3. Important

    Check to see that you have chosen the correct organization, as there is currently no way of transferring licenses between organizations.

  4. Select the product you want to start a subscription for.

  5. In the Product overview, click Start your subscription.

  6. Follow the on screen instructions.

In the Product overview, the License status should now read Subscription has started. The end of the grace period is also displayed.

Redeem license key

The license key includes the number of licenses bought for one product. When you redeem the license key in AXIS License Manager, all the included licenses will be added to your Product wallet to be allocated later.


Check to see that the organization is the correct one, as there is currently no way of transferring licenses between organizations.

  1. Select the product you want to redeem licenses for.

  2. Go to Product wallet.

  3. Type or paste the license key.

  4. Click Redeem license key.

Allocate subscription licenses

To get licensed, you need to allocate licenses from your product wallet to the current subscription year. When the number of allocated licenses match the current need you will become fully licensed. To license products for future subscriptions periods, allocate additional licenses matching the current need.

  1. Select the product you want to allocate licenses for.

  2. Go to Product licensing.

  3. Under Allocate subscription licenses, add the number of licenses that match the Current need.

  4. Click Confirm allocation. If that option isn’t available, you haven’t enough licenses in you product wallet to match the current need.

  5. Click Confirm to confirm the allocation of the licenses for the stated subscription periods.

Your product is now licensed.

Allocating subscription licenses after the grace period or for a new product date won’t change the dates of the organization’s subscription period. You will instead be compensated for the overlapping time of those licenses. New licenses will automatically be added back to your wallet, matching the overlapping time.

Renew subscriptions

When a subscription reaches it’s renewal date, you get a new grace period. You then have 30 days to allocate licenses from you wallet to the new subscription year. You can also renew subscriptions ahead of time, with a maximum of five years in advance

  1. Select the product you want to renew a subscription for.

  2. Go to Product licensing.

  3. Under Allocate licenses, add the number of licenses that match the Current need.

  4. You should now be able to allocate licenses for the next subscription year.
  5. Click Confirm allocation.

  6. Click Confirm to confirm the allocation of the licenses for the stated subscription period.

Your product is now licensed.

Add devices during subscription

You are free to add devices during a subscription period without the need to add the licenses immediately to the subscription. The licenses needed will instead be added to the listed current need for the next renewal period.


The annual growth allowance for an organization is 100% of the number of allocated licenses. If you grow more than 100% during a subscription year, additional licenses need to be allocated. Axis will monitor any misuse and will notify affected customers.

Register tied-to-hardware license

If you have purchased hardware that come with preloaded tied-to-hardware license, your licenses will automatically be activated when you register the hardware to your organization.

If you need more licenses than what came preloaded with the hardware you need to buy expansion licenses.


Check to see that you have chosen the correct organization, as there is currently no way of transferring licenses between organizations.

Redeem expansion license key

The expansion license key includes the number of licenses per type, bought for one product. When you redeem the license key in AXIS License Manager, all the included licenses will be added to your Product wallet to be allocated later.


Check to see that the organization is the correct one, as there is currently no way of transferring licenses between organizations.

  1. Select the product you want to redeem expansion licenses for.

  2. Go to Product wallet.

  3. Type or paste the license key.

  4. Click Redeem license key.

Allocate expansion licenses

To get licensed, you need to allocate licenses from your product wallet to the specific hardware.

  1. Select the product you want to allocate licenses for.

  2. Go to System setup.

  3. Click on the system that needs expansion licenses..

  4. Click Allocate licenses.

  5. Follow the on-screen instructions.

Your product is now licensed.

Manage the organization

About organizations

The organization is a virtual representation of your Axis system installations, and it’s at the center of your cloud services. An organization hosts all of the devices and user accounts of a company in a hierarchy that regulates access and ensures maximum security. At the same it time allows for flexible user and device management for small businesses as well as large corporations.

  • When you create a new organization, you become its owner. The organization connects your system to the users of Axis cloud service.

  •  You can invite users to the organization. See Add users to your organization.

  • You can assign different roles to users.

  •  The organization contains a default folder where you can start building your organizational structure that fits your needs. You can structure the organization into folders and sub-folders. Typically, a folder represents a physical site or location of a system within an organization.

  •  Manage your licenses for your system within your organization.

  •  To create an organization, you need a My Axis account.

Change organization name

To change the name of your organization:

  1. Select the organization that you’d like to change the name of.

  2. Go to the My Systems panel.

  3. Go to ORGANIZATION > Settings.

  4. Under General, click Edit.

  5. Enter the new name of the organization.

  6. Under Notes, enter a description of the organization.

  7. Click Save.


Ownership of an organization comes automatically when you create an organization. An owner has full access to an organization, its users, applications and devices. To transfer ownership you have to elevate a user to that role. There must be at least one owner of an organization.

Archive organization

If an organization is no longer needed, you can archive it for record-keeping purposes. We recommend you remove the devices before you archive an organization. Any active subscription licenses tied to this organization will be made unavailable and no refunds will be possible.

  1. To archive an organization:
  2. Go to the My Systems panel.

  3. Go to Organization > Settings.

  4. Go to Archive .

  5. Copy the organization ID.

  6. Click on Archive organization.

  7. Paste the organization ID.

  8. Check the box that you understand the risks related to archiving an organization.

  9. Click Archive.


Currently, there is no way you can retrieve an organization once it’s archived. Therefore, we recommend that you save the organization ID before archiving. If you’ve archived an organization by mistake, you need to provide the organization ID to technical support.