AXIS OS Portal


AXIS OS is our operating system for edge devices. It’s used in more than 300 products with the broadest partner application reach in the security industry. It’s a Linux-based OS that’s built around openness, transparency and cybersecurity.

AXIS OS features different tracks depending on your needs. The long-term support (LTS) tracks maximize stability and focus on keeping a well-integrated 3rd party system by providing bug fixes and security patches. The active track on the other hand provides access to the newest state-of-the-art features and functionalities as well as bug fixes and security patches, which defines the active track as the software-development-focused track.

AXIS OS support overview

The active track releases a new version every 2–3 months where only the latest version is supported. The LTS tracks are created every two years and are supported and maintained for about 5 years.

Release schedule

In the schedule below you can find information about upcoming releases on the active track and the LTS tracks.

VersionTrackPreliminary release datePlanned features and updates
11.11ActiveJuly 2024
  • Last version of active track 11.

  • Apache 2.4.59

  • OpenSSL 3.0.14

10.12LTS 2022August 2024
  • OpenSSL 1.1.1y

  • Libssh2 version 1.0.11

9.80LTS 2020June 2024
  • Libssh2 version 1.0.11

11.11Upcoming LTS 2024August/September 2024
  • More information will come.

12.0Upcoming ActiveSeptember 2024

Upcoming breaking changes

AXIS OS 11 active track will transition to LTS 2024 in Q3 2024. The new active track will be AXIS OS 12, which the announced breaking changes will be implemented.  The majority of the breaking changes will be introduced at the start of the new active track and the remaining break changes will be introduced during the lifetime of AXIS OS 12 and will be communicated in advance. 

Please note that some changes are already taking place in AXIS OS 11, but with limited impact. The changed default behavior in AXIS OS 11 will affect the product after a factory reset, as well as new products launched with that specific version, but will not affect an upgrade, i.e. if you upgrade AXIS OS without a factory reset, your products will not change their behavior.

While Axis consistently strives to maintain backward compatibility, the introduction of breaking changes is sometimes inevitable in order to:

  • Improve cybersecurity: Axis may remove obsolete features or modify existing features to enhance security.

  • Update functionality and improve usability: Axis enhances existing functionality by implementing new default settings or introducing more advanced features to expand use cases.

In both scenarios, Axis provides an alternative method for accomplishing the same tasks and communicates these changes in advance. Furthermore, the active track is the only place where these changes can be made, as maintaining compatibility is the primary focus of LTS tracks. These changes are usually implemented after a new LTS track has been established, giving users sufficient time to adapt while maintaining security measures.


If you experience issues after upgrading to AXIS OS 12, utilize the rollback option to let the device revert back to its previous AXIS OS version. See guidelines here. We recommend that you keep at least one device running AXIS OS 12, generate a server report and contact Axis Technical Support for troubleshooting assistance or guidance.


Changes in AXIS OS 12

Check out the AXIS OS 12 Technical Update - Breaking Changes video, to learn more about the upcoming changes.

  • Removal of the old web interface

    The old web interface, also called “AXIS OS web version B”, will be removed.

    Why is this change introduced? The old web interface is no longer needed since the new interface has all implemented features . It is removed to save memory space on the device and to simplify both usage and maintenance. Additionally, the old web interface used a number of outdated libraries and removing it will make the device more secure.
    How can it affect me? The new web interface will be displayed after upgrade.


  • Disabled HTTP Port 80 redirects

    In previous security penetration tests, Axis was advised to disable HTTP Port 80 redirects in order to enhance security and to prevent information leakage. Currently, Axis devices are configured for HTTPS-only, but the HTTP port 80 redirects are enabled to inform users/clients that communication is not permitted on port 80 and redirecting them automatically to port 443 instead. Axis will follow the general recommendation provided by third-party penetration test laboratories and will deactivate HTTP port 80 redirects when the device is set to HTTPS-only mode.

    To test the possible impact, configure your Axis device for HTTPS only and configure a firewall rule in AXIS OS 11.9 as shown below, where the Axis device would effectively block communication on port 80 for a specific client trying to connect.

    Why is this change introduced? To lower the attack surface of the device and increase the overall device security.
    How can it affect me? If you access the Axis device via HTTP, it will not work correctly with AXIS OS 12.0 or higher. Please use HTTPS instead.

  • Basic authentication for HTTPS connections

    Axis devices perform digest authentication when serving both HTTP and HTTPS connections. Since HTTPS connections are preferred for increased security, Axis will change the default behavior so that basic authentication is used for HTTPS connections only. Using basic authentication in HTTPS connections is IT-industry standard and allows Axis devices to operate in a well-defined and common practice as well. Digest authentication will still be kept for serving for unencrypted HTTP connections. Using HTTPS only is the recommended operational mode for Axis devices.

    Why is this change introduced? To follow the IT-industry standard.
    How can it affect me? If you use digest authentication for HTTPS connection, it will not work correctly with AXIS OS 12.0 or higher.

  • Removed support for TLS 1.0/1.1 HTTPS connections

    Axis devices support modern encryption technology through TLS 1.2/1.3, which is used by default for HTTPS connections. However, there is also an option to enable older, outdated and insecure TLS 1.0/1.1 versions for backward compatibility with legacy systems that cannot support more secure HTTPS connections. Axis will completely remove TLS 1.0/1.1 versions for HTTPS connections to increase overall security and prevent users from accidentally enabling these protocol versions.

    VAPIX API Parameter: root.HTTPS.AllowTLS1 and root.HTTPS.AllowTLS11

    Why is this change introduced? It is obsolete, and keeping it might be a security threat.
    How can it affect me? If you have third party software using TLS 1.0/1.1 HTTPS connections, it will not work correctly with AXIS OS 12.0 or higher.

  • Removed support for OpenSSL 1.1.1

    Since AXIS OS 11.6 (August 2023), Axis devices support simultaneously version 1.1.1 and 3.0 of the cryptographic software backend OpenSSL. To allow for smooth transition, OpenSSL 1.1.1 will still be supported until LTS 2024 track is launched and in that track.  With AXIS OS 12, OpenSSL 1.1.1 support will be removed. Patches and security updates of OpenSSL 1.1.1 will still be supported on active AXIS OS long-term support tracks as Axis has signed a support contract with the OpenSSL foundation to receive prolonged support.

    Note that ACAPs may be affected; it is recommended that ACAPs use the available AXIS OS-embedded OpenSSL engine or alternatively embed a custom cryptographic library in the ACAP..

    Why is this change introduced? It is obsolete as the active track runs a newer version.
    How can it affect me? If you have third party software using OpenSSL 1.1.1, it will not work correctly with AXIS OS 12.0 or higher.

Network & Discovery:

  • IPv4 address changes

    To date, Axis devices have never been IPv4 compliant following the corresponding RFC framework. That resulted in the Axis device having a default IP-address which is This circumstance leads to network related issues that we want to resolve. For instance, if no DHCP server is available on the network, the default IP address of Axis devices currently is regardless of whether anyone on the same network segment already uses the same IP address. This may cause service interruptions for other devices if such IP address conflict occurs. At the same time, the link-local address (169.254.x.x/16) is enabled by default regardless of whether it’s used, which is not in compliance with the RFC standard.

    With the above changes in place, there will be no default IP addresses of AXIS OS devices anymore. The Axis OS devices will use the IP addresses either from a DHCP server or statically configured address. The devices will only fall back to link-local addresses if there is an IP address conflict detected, or a DHCP server is unavailable in the network. More information regarding the IPv4 addressing change can be found here

    Why is this change introduced?

    • To be completely RFC IPv4 compliant.

    • Disable link-local address when it is not used.

    • Better user experience for our customers when multiple factory-defaulted Axis devices are placed on the same network simultaneously.

    • Increase robustness and detect IP address conflicts.

    • How can it affect me? Affects during installation, AXIS devices will request IP adress from the network it attaches to etc DHCP.

  • Disabled UPnP discovery protocol

    Axis devices currently have UPnP and Bonjour enabled in factory defaulted state for general device discovery. The Bonjour protocol allows for device detection within the local subnet where the device is located (example: The UPnP protocol allows device discovery across networks (example: and but only if multicast-routing is properly configured. Axis believes that the device detection within the local subnet is the main use case for a discovery protocol and therefore will disable UPnP in factory defaulted devices moving forward. This will also lower the attack surface of the device and increase the overall network security. The UPnP protocol remains available in Axis devices with the option for the user to enable it if needed.

    VAPIX API parameter: root.Network.UPnP.Enabled

    Why is this change introduced? To lower the attack surface of the device and increase the overall device security.
    How can it affect me? If you have third party software only using UPnP for device discovery, it will not work correctly with AXIS OS 12.0 or higher and users need to enable UPnP first on the Axis device.

  • Disabled WS-Discovery protocol

    Axis devices currently have the WS-Discovery (WebService-Discovery) protocol enabled in factory defaulted state as additional option for ONVIF-related device discovery. However, the ONVIF interface is not enabled in factory defaulted state which makes the availability of the WS-Discovery protocol by default obsolete. Axis will adapt the default behavior and will disable the WS-discovery protocol in factory defaulted state. This means a user need to enable the WS-discovery protocol if desired. 

    VAPIX API parameter: WebService.DiscoveryMode.Discoverable

    Why is this change introduced? To lower the network footprint and increase the cybersecurity level of an Axis device when ONVIF is not being used.
    How can it affect me? You will not be able to discover the device until WS-Discovery has been enabled.

  • Possibility to disable Basic Device Info VAPIX API
    The Basic Device Information VAPIX API allows to retrieve general information about the Axis product with no authentication. This is useful for device discovery and profiling during network and application onboarding. Axis will implement an additional VAPIX parameter that will allow the user to disable the basic device information API if needed. The ability for the user to disable this VAPIX API may be considered a behavioral change if unknown.

    Why is this change introduced? Provide the ability to reduce the attack surface and information leakage of the device, increasing the overall security resilience of the network.
    How can it affect me? If you have third party software using this API after onboarding, it will not work correctly with AXIS OS 12.0 or higher.

  • Removal of releaseinfo.cgi
    The axis-release/releaseinfo.cgi VAPIX API has been removed. It is recommended to use the Basic Device Information VAPIX API instead, see more info in the VAPIX Library.

    Example output of axis-release/releaseinfo.cgi:



    Why is this change introduced? It is obsolete and replaced by a different API.
    How can it affect me? If you have third party software using this API, it will not work correctly with AXIS OS 12.0 or higher.

  • Removal of getBrand.cgi
    The previously deprecated VAPIX API axis-cgi/prod_brand_info/getbrand.cgi has been removed. It is recommended to use the Basic Device Information VAPIX API instead, see more info in the VAPIX Library. Please find below an example output of the information that was possible to receive through getBrand.cgi, all the information is still available and covered in the referenced Basic Device Information VAPIX API.

    Example output of getBrand.cgi:


    Brand.ProdFullName=AXIS P3265-LV Dome Camera


    Brand.ProdShortName=AXIS P3265-LV

    Brand.ProdType=Dome Camera



    Why is this change introduced? It is obsolete and replaced by a different API.
    How can it affect me? If you have third party software using this API, it will not work correctly with AXIS OS 12.0 or higher.

  • Removal of network filter API

    The current IP-filtering VAPIX API will be replaced by a more feature-rich firewall application that can be configured through JSON REST API. The new firewall service will be available in AXIS OS 11.8 (January 2024) and can be used from there on.

    The legacy network filter API with the following below parameters will be removed in AXIS OS 12:





    Why is this change introduced? It is obsolete and replaced by the new host-based firewall.
    How can it affect me? If you have third party software using this API, it will not work correctly with AXIS OS 12.0 or higher.

Edge Storage:

  • Removed support for SMB 1.0 and 2.0

    The Server Message Block Protocol (SMB) is widely used for mounting network shares when storing recordings. While secure versions of the SMB protocol are supported and available in Axis devices (2.1, 3.0, 3.02 and 3.1.1), the insecure versions (1.0 and 2.0) are still available to use but disabled in factory defaulted state. Axis will remove version 1.0 and 2.0 completely to increase the overall security and to prevent users from enabling these protocol versions by mistake.

    Why is this change introduced? It is obsolete, and keeping it might be a security threat.
    How can it affect me? If you have a storage connection requiring these versions, they will not work anymore.

  • Removal of vFAT

    The ability to format SD cards to the vFAT system file will be removed. However, they can still be used as before. A long time ago, SD cards were delivered with vFAT as the standard file system for cards up to 32GB. Since such SD cards are no longer used, the usefulness of vFAT is very limited.

    Why is this change introduced? Axis has since start recommended Ext 4. vFat should never be used.
    How can it affect me?If necessary, you will need to format the SD card outside the device.

ACAP related changes:

  • Removal of root-privileges

    Root-privileged access to Axis products and ACAP applications has been removed indefinitely without the possibility to enable it. The previously available parameter in AXIS OS 11 to enable root privileges has been removed. This change applies to the factory default settings as well as when upgrading to AXIS OS 12 from any previous version of AXIS OS.

    This change increases ACAP confidentiality by better protecting their data and secrets, preventing information leakage and increasing AXIS OS system integrity. Please read the full guide for more information.

    Why is this change introduced?  To increase the security on the device.
    How can it affect me?  
    ACAPs that do not use root-privileges are not affected. 
    ACAPs with root privileges, will not work with AXIS OS 12.0 or higher. Check the installed ACAP applications carefully! Make sure they are working properly. If possible, select the LTS 2024 track.

    Possible scenarios where failures could be expected are:
    The ACAP cannot run because it tries to use the previously available root user with root privileges.
    The post-install script may be using root-privileges, which prevents the ACAP from being installed or run.
    The ACAP tries to access file system resources or functionality that is locked behind root-privileges.
    The ACAP applications that include or need access to security-sensitive functionality will not work anymore. For example, VPN-capable solutions based on Tailscale, ZeroTier, IPsec, OpenVPN and WireGuard that may have been deployed as an ACAP previously, will not work in AXIS OS 12. Axis is looking into how and if a VPN-client can be embedded into the AXIS OS operating system natively.

  • Signed ACAP applications
    From AXIS OS 12.0, the option to allow unsigned apps will be disabled in factory defaulted state. To upload unsigned ACAPs, users must enable this option. This only applies to factory-defaulted products running AXIS OS 12 or higher.

    VAPIX API parameters:

    Running unsigned ACAPs from any previous version of AXIS OS when upgrading to AXIS OS 12 will have no impact and the ACAP will continue to function normally. For development purposes, it will be possible to unlock individual products via a new 'ACAP Developer Mode'. When in ACAP Developer Mode, the setting has no effect regardless of its current state, allowing for efficient development of ACAP applications. For more information and a timeline, see Additional security in AXIS OS and ACAP applications.

    Why is this change introduced? To lower the attack surface of the device and increase the overall device security.
    How can it affect me? For factory default devices, you will need to enable Allow unsigned apps.

  • ACAP installation behaviour

    The ACAP installation is now aborted if the post-install script exits with an error code. Previously, the ACAP is installed nevertheless and warnings were printed in the log files.

    Why is this change introduced? To increase the ACAPS reliability on the market.
    How can it affect me? ACAP vendors are informed and should compile a new ACAP version without errors if affected.

  • Removal of Basic analytics ACAP applications

    Due to updates to our framework, it is not possible to support some older types of ACAP applications and they will therefore be removed. 
    This applies to Axis Basic Enter-Exit, Axis Basic Object Counter and Axis Basic Object Removed

    Why is this change introduced? Due to architectural changes.
    How can it affect me? If you are using any of these ACAPs, do not upgrade until the system has a verified replacer.

  • Removed support for Add-On applications

    Add-On applications are no longer supported. All applications of this type should have replacements in the form of ACAP applications or the equivalent functionality is now built into the device software itself.

    Why is this change introduced? Unofficial and undocumented formats for application packages shall not be used due to the security risk. Thus, it is removed since the ACAP application format can be used instead. 
    How can it affect me? If you have an ACAP using this format, it will not work correctly with AXIS OS 12.0 or higher.

  • Removal of libcapture library

    The libcapture library for ACAPs is obsolete and will be removed.  It is recommended to use the Video capture API instead. For more information, visit the ACAP SDK Documentation.

    Why is this change introduced? It is obsolete, and keeping it might be a security threat.
    How can it affect me? If you have an ACAP using this library, it will not work correctly with AXIS OS 12.0 or higher.

  • Removal of vaconfig.cgi

    The ACAP applications managed by the vaconfig.cgi API is no longer supported,  this configuration and management API is therefore obsolete and will be removed.

    Why is this change introduced? It is obsolete, and keeping it might be a security threat. 
    How can it affect me? If you have an ACAP using this library, it will not work correctly with AXIS OS 12.0 or higher.

  • Removal of ACAP Computer Vision SDK support

    The ability to enable ACAP Computer Vision SDK support will be removed for the listed products because they only have 1 GB of memory.
    Applies to: AXIS D2210–VE, AXIS M3215-LVE, AXIS M3216-LVE, AXIS M5526-E, AXIS P1465-LE, AXIS P1465-LE-3, AXIS  P3265-LV/-LVE/-V and AXIS P3265-LVE-3

    Why is this change introduced?Running the Computer Vision SDK on the product will consume too much memory and may render the product inoperable.
    How can it affect me? If you have an ACAP using the Computer Vision SDK, it will not work correctly with AXIS OS 12.0 or higher.

API changes:

  • Rate Control changes for RTSP
    As the VAPIX Rate Control API has evolved over the years, the relationship between some of the URL options and param.cgi parameters has become complicated. This will be simplified in upcoming versions of Axis OS. This was communicated earlier here.

    Why is this change introduced? To simplify the Rate control API.
    How can it affect me? The new API is supported by the product when Properties.Image.RateControl.Version is 2.0 and higher. videobitrate and Image.I#.RateControl.TargetBitrate are deprecated from now No changes are made when it comes to Average Bitrate (ABR).

  • PTZ tilt coordinates are not handled correctly in metadata
    PTZ tilt coordinates are not handled correctly in metadata. From AXIS OS 12, VAPIX Metadata for pan and tilt position will be calculated with physical constraints in tilt and pan when using Generic Pan/Tilt Position Space, in the same way as calculated in ONVIF already. A new parameter will be introduced: root.Properties.API.MetaData.PTZ.GenericPanTiltPosition=truelimitations

    Why is this change introduced? Because the PTZ generic Pan/tilt metadata was presented wrongly.
    How can it affect me? If using the PTZ generic Pan/tilt metadata the information is not correct. New parameter should be used to get the correct PTZ generic Pan/tilt metadata.

  • Remove Legacy Overlays

    The possibility to create overlays via the parameter CGI will be completely deprecated. This was communicated earlier here. An example of the old overlay is provided below.

    Why is this change introduced? Overlays have their own API, dynamicoverlay CGI, with direct access to the overlay system. There for should this old way be deprecated.
    How can it affect me? If you have third party software using this API, it will not work correctly with AXIS OS 12.0 or higher.

  • Added path restrictions for dynamicoverlay.cgi

    The Dynamic Overlay VAPIX API that allows to configure the path to the overlay image to display has been limited to /etc/overlays/. It is not possible anymore to alter the path through VAPIX API.

    Why is this change introduced? Supporting to alter the path trough API is not best practice and keeping it might be a security threat.
    How can it affect me? If you have third party software using this API, it will not work correctly with AXIS OS 12.0 or higher.

  • Changes in dynamicoverlay.cgi

    Optional values, “source” and “sensor” will be removed from the Dynamic Overlayin AXIS OS 12.

    Why is this change introduced? The options are obsolete and no longer used and should therefore be removed to follow best practice.
    How can it affect me? If you have third party software using this API, it will not work correctly with AXIS OS 12.0 or higher.

  • New version of privacymask.cgi. 

    Unused functionality or parameters have been removed, while those utilized in the previous version have been preserved.

    The following will be removed in privacymask.cgi:
    query list
    query position

    The following will be removed in param.cgi:
    parameter Image.I[source].Overlay.MaskWindows.PtPolygon

    Why is this change introduced? Supporting capabilities that are not used is not best practice and keeping them might be a security threat. 
    How can it affect me? If you have third party software using this API, it will not work correctly with AXIS OS 12.0 or higher.

  • Removal of "ClassCandidate" from Analytics Scene description for ONVIF

    In the analytics scene description, both "tt:ClassDescriptor/tt:ClassCandidate" and "tt:ClassDescriptor/tt:Type" are used today for backward comparability, but they say the same information. ONVIF recommends the use of "tt:ClassDescriptor/tt:Type", see metadatastream.xsd

    AXIS OS 11.11 and lower

    AXIS OS 12.0 and higher

    Why is this change introduced? Axis should be in compliant with ONVIF. 
    How can it affect me? If you have third party software using this API, it will not work correctly with AXIS OS 12.0 or higher.

  • Removal of the lightcontrol web service API

    The lightcontrol web service API (implemented in ws/wsd/impl/ali) has been deprecated for many years and is replaced by the lightcontrol-cgi JSON API. Information about this change has been sent out previously to partners.

    Why is this change introduced? It is obsolete, and keeping it might be a security threat. 
    How can it affect me? If you have third party software using this API, it will not work correctly with AXIS OS 12.0 or higher.

Product specific:

  • Remove support for AXIS T6101/T6112

    Support for AXIS T6101 and AXIS T6112 will be removed. Read more about compatible products on

    Why is this change introduced? AXIS T6101 and AXIS T6112 are discontinued.
    How can it affect me? AXIS T6101 and AXIS T6112 does not work with Axis devices running AXIS OS 12.0 or higher. Please use AXIS OS LTS 2024 instead.

Changes in AXIS OS 13


Changes that apply to the first version of AXIS OS 13, coming in September 2026. Please note that the changes can be adjusted in future.

ACAP related changes:

  • Signed ACAP applications

    From AXIS OS 13.0, the option to allow unsigned applications is removed and only signed ACAP applications are allowed.

    VAPIX API parameters that will be removed :

    Running unsigned ACAPs from any previous version of AXIS OS when upgrading to AXIS OS 13 will not be affected and the ACAP will continue to function normally. Only new ACAP installations in AXIS OS 13 are affected.

    Why is this change introduced? To increase trust in ACAP applications and comply with international regulations and best practices for secure software delivery.
    How can it affect me? New ACAPs to be installed in AXIS OS 13 must be signed, otherwise the ACAP installation will fail.

API changes:

  • Removal of unofficial certificate management

    The unofficial and externally undocumented custom certificate management API with the VAPIX endpoints /axis-cgi/certappmgmt.cgi and /axis-cgi/certmgmt.cgi will be removed. For supported AXIS OS certificate management and enrollment APIs, please refer to the VAPIX Library.

    Why is this change introduced? Unofficial and undocumented APIs shall not be used due to the security risk. Thus, it is removed since there are other VAPIX APIs that can be used instead. 
    How can it affect me? If you have third party software using this API, it will not work correctly with AXIS OS 13 or higher.


  • Password complexity enforcement

    The user is currently supported with a password strength indicator for selecting secure passwords for service accounts. However, the user might select insecure passwords anyway. At some point in time in AXIS OS 12, it is planned to introduce a password complexity enforcement to enforce using secure-considered passwords when accessing an Axis device.

    Afterward, it will not be possible to use insecure password combinations. It is expected that the password complexity enforcement will be standardized and will require a minimum password length of 14 characters including small and big letters, special signs and numbers, alternatively small and big letters with a password length of 64-characters.
    More information to come. The decision on when to introduce password complexity has not been made yet but will be communicated in time.

    Why is this change introduced? To increase the cybersecurity level.

    How can it affect me? Will be updated shortly.

  • HTTPS-only enforcement

    The current default behavior of Axis devices in factory defaulted state is that HTTP and HTTPS are both enabled allowing for a flexible choice on which protocol to use to connect to the Axis device. Axis, since many years, has given the recommendation to configure the Axis device to HTTPS-only during initial configuration according to the AXIS OS Hardening Guide. Please see the current default settings below.

    This default behavior is likely to change at some point in time in AXIS OS 12 to increase overall default security and protect communication between the Axis device and the human user as well as applications. Axis has plans to change the default behavior so that HTTP communication will be disabled, and HTTPS-only communication is the only enabled protocol to be used in factory defaulted state.

    Why is this change introduced? To increase the cybersecurity level.
    How can it affect me? If you have third party software using HTTP, it will not work correctly with AXIS OS 13 or higher.


Changes during AXIS OS 11

Breaking changes done in AXIS OS 11.


  • Remove access via FTP protocol

    Since AXIS OS 11.1, we have removed the possibility to access the device via the FTP protocol, to increase overall minimum cybersecurity level.
    For troubleshooting purposes it is recommended to use secure SSH access. Note that upload from the device to an FTP server is still possible. For more information, visit SSH access in the AXIS OS Knowledge base.

    Why is this change introduced? To increase overall security.
    How can it affect me? If you have third party software using this feature, it will not work correctly with AXIS OS 11.1 or higher.

  • Removed support for proxy SOCKS version 4 and 5

    Since AXIS OS 11.0, support for proxy SOCKS version 4 and 5 has been removed.

    Why is this change introduced? It is obsolete, and keeping it might be a security threat. 
    How can it affect me? If you have third party software using this feature, it will not work correctly with AXIS OS 11.0 or higher.

  • No dedicated root user in factory defaulted state

    Since AXIS OS 11.5, no dedicated root user is pre-configured in factory defaulted state. To ease O3C-related integrations and to allow time to adapt, Axis made a modification that currently creates this root user for O3C onboarding/integration. From LTS 2024, O3C integrations shall not rely on the previously available admin user named “root”. If a separate (admin) user is deemed necessary for some purpose, this user shall be specifically created during the initial onboarding/integration.

    Why is this change introduced? To lower the attack surface of the device and increase the overall device security.
    How can it affect me? If you have third party software using root as hardcoded username, it will not work correctly with AXIS OS 12.0 or higher unless you create a user root.

  • Root-privilege is disabled in factory defaulted state

    Root-privileged access is disabled by default in Axis products and ACAP applications to increase ACAP confidentiality by better protecting their data and secrets, to prevent information leakage and to increase AXIS OS system integrity by removing system-wide root-privileged access for users and applications. In AXIS OS 11, this can still be enabled by parameter if required, see screenshots below for reference:

    Please read the full guide for more information. The changes in AXIS OS 11 are summarized below.

    Why is this change introduced? To increase the security on the device.
    How can it affect me? Affected ACAPs has been communicated about this and should create a new version if they are affected regarding this change.

  • AXIS OSTimelineChanges
    11.5June 2023
    • VAPIX/Web Access: The user “root” is an ordinary administrator.

    • ACAP Privileges: Root privileges can be disabled.

    11.6September 2023
    • SSH Access: Root user access can be disabled.

    11.8 January 2024
    • SSH Access: Root user access is disabled by default but can be enabled.

    • ACAP Privileges: Root privileges is disabled by default but can be enabled.

    11.xQ3 2024
    • Axis devices only accept installation of signed ACAP applications by default. Devices can be configured to accept unsigned applications

    LTS 2024 H2 2024

    Support: 2024-2029. Can be used as a stop-gap solution until an ACAP application is fully adapted.

    • SSH Access: Root user access is disabled by default but can be enabled.

    • ACAP Privileges: Root privileges is disabled by default but can be enabled.

VAPIX API changes:

  • PTZ VAPIX API version 2

    Since AXIS OS 11.0, there is a new version of the PTZ VAPIX API. For more information, visit the VAPIX library.

  • Removal of date.cgi

    Since AXIS OS 11.0, the date.cgi has been removed and replaced by time.cgi. For more information, visit the VAPIX library

    Why is this change introduced? It is obsolete, and keeping it might be a security threat. 
    How can it affect me? If you have third party software using this API, it will not work correctly with AXIS OS 11.0 or higher.

  • Support removed for BMP format

    Since AXIS OS 11.0, support to request an image in BMP file format has been removed. For more information, visit the VAPIX library.

    Why is this change introduced? It is obsolete, and keeping it might be a security threat. 
    How can it affect me? If you have third party software using this feature, it will not work correctly with AXIS OS 11.0 or higher.

  • Removed support of recording mediaclip through Mediaclip API

    Since AXIS OS 11.0, support to record a mediaclip using the Mediaclip API has been removed. For more information, visit the VAPIX library.

    Why is this change introduced? It is obsolete, and keeping it might be a security threat. 
    How can it affect me? If you have third party software using this feature, it will not work correctly with AXIS OS 11.0 or higher.

  • Parameters in the root.PTZ parameter group changes

    Since AXIS OS 11.0, changed access for a number of parameters in the root.PTZ parameter group. For more information, visit the VAPIX library.

    Why is this change introduced? Due to architectural changes. 
    How can it affect me? If you have third party software using this, it will not work correctly with AXIS OS 11.0 or higher.

  • Removal of edit.cgi

    Since AXIS OS 11.1, the edit.cgi has been removed. For more information, visit the VAPIX library.

    Why is this change introduced? It is obsolete, and keeping it might be a security threat. 
    How can it affect me? If you have third party software using this API, it will not work correctly with AXIS OS 11.1 or higher.

  • Removal of libvidcap

    The libvidcap has been removed. Use Video capture API instead. For more information, visit the ACAP developer guide

    Why is this change introduced? It is obsolete, and keeping it might be a security threat. 
    How can it affect me? If you have third party software using this API, it will not work correctly with AXIS OS 11.1 or higher.

  • Removal of overlay-cgi.

    The overlay-cgi has been removed in AXIS OS 11.10. It is recommended to use overlayimage-cgi instead, see more info in the VAPIX Library.

    VAPIX API parameter affected:

    Why is this change introduced? It is obsolete and replaced by a different API.
    How can it affect me? If you have third party software using this API, it will not work correctly with AXIS OS 12.0 or higher.

Other changes:

  • Removal of the built in motion detection

    In AXIS OS 11.2 the old built in motion detection, also known as VMD1, was removed.

    Why is this change introduced? It is obsolete, and keeping it might be a security threat. 
    How can it affect me? If you have third party software using this application, it will not work correctly with AXIS OS 11.2 or higher.

  • Removed installable decoder AAC

    Since AXIS OS 11.0, the installable audio decoder for AAC has been removed and is no longer downloadable from the cameras web interface.

  • Removed installable decoder H.264

    Since AXIS OS 11.0, the installable decoder for H.264 has been removed and is no longer downloadable from the cameras web interface.

Additional information

In this section you can read about updates and features in upcoming AXIS OS releases. For more information about:

Next AXIS OS version

Please note that this schedule is preliminary and that both time schedule and included features are subject to change as work progresses.

AXIS OS 11.11

Scheduled for: June 2024

  • Features for all products

    • Added the possibility to change the NTP minimum and maximum poll intervals.

    • Updated plain config page with hyperlinks to the swagger UI.

    • Added the possibility to disable PoE warning overlay when housing receives too low PoE class.

  • Cybersecurity

    • Updated Apache to version 2.4.59 to increase the overall cybersecurity level.

  • API changes

    • Added the possibility to setup clients and their configuration. More information will be added to the VAPIX library soon.

    • Added support to use a virtual input as an event trigger for a requested amount of time. For more information, visit the VAPIX Library.

    • Added filtering functionality in systemlog.cgi and accesslog.cgi using a query string, e.g. text=SearchString, which will return log entries containing the queried string. More information will be added to the VAPIX library soon.

    • Added the possibility to configure storage of recordings on a remote object store. More information will be added to the VAPIX library soon

  • Analytics

    • Added the possibility to define two or more areas of interest in a scene, to monitor all areas in a group, and to compare their respective statuses.

    • Added support for remote object storage, allowing recordings to be stored and configured on platforms such as AWS S3 or Azure Blob Storage.

    • Added support for multiple virtual host authentication interfaces. This allows for hybrid setups where Digest/OAuth 2.0 OpenID Connect authentication schemes are used for centralized Identity Access Management (IAM) in active directory federated services (ADFS) and other identity provider (IDP) solutions.

  • Product specific features

    • Added support for host-based firewall.
      Applies to: AXIS S3008, AXIS S3008 Mk II and AXIS S3016

    • Added support for relative zoom and focus movements in opticscontrol API.
      Applies to: Products based on Artpec-8 with focus and zoom support.

    • Added support for radar signal tampering. The event is triggered when the radar is covered by metallic materials.
      Applies to: AXIS D2110-VE, AXIS D2210-VE, AXIS Q1656-DLE and AXIS Q1686-DLE

Current AXIS OS version

AXIS OS 11.10

Release date: April 2024

  • Added support for running ACAP applications without root privileges when using containers.

  • Early fire detection: Improved logic for better filtering of moving objects by adding a new overlay indicating the point of interest when an alarm is triggered.

  • Added a new video channel called pinned view.
    Applies to: AXIS F9114 Main Unit and AXIS F9114-B Main Unit

    The objective of this feature is to offer another view layout to the customers who use F91 main units with four sensors. From customers' perspective, not all video streams have equal value and one stream might be of higher interest. Pinned view provides the possibility to have the image from the most valued stream on the top (bigger image in one single row), and three smaller images from the other three streams next to each other in the second row. 

  • Cybersecurity

    • Updated OpenSSL to version 1.1.1x to increase overall cybersecurity level.

    • Updated OpenSSL to version 3.0.13 to increase overall cybersecurity level.


    • The old and unofficial image overlay-cgi will be removed in AXIS OS 11.10. We recommend using the VAPIX API overlayimage-cgi.
      The following unofficial API:s will be removed:

      • call_overlay_upload.cgi

      • call_overlay_del.cgi

      • call_overlay_set.cgi

      • create_overlay.cgi

      • overlay_list.cgi

      • overlay_image_formats.cgi

Open source library support

AXIS OS-based network products use a variety of open source libraries. Therefore, it is critical that changes to these libraries are reflected in AXIS OS. Libraries are updated in the AXIS OS Active and LTS tracks in conjunction with the release. If there are no software restrictions, they are also updated in the PSS track.

If an open source library becomes end-of-life (EOL) by the upstream community, Axis aims to replace the library in a timely manner or provide support in a different way depending on its use within the AXIS OS-based network product. An example is listed below.

OpenSSL is used for cryptographic operations. The currently used OpenSSL 1.1.1 version is a long-term support (LTS) release which has reached its EOL during September 2023 as announced by the OpenSSL foundation.

  • From AXIS OS 11.6.89 and onwards, the newest OpenSSL 3.0 library (LTS) is supported in addition to the current OpenSSL 1.1.1, which will be deprecated but still usable.

  • Axis plans to remove OpenSSL 1.1.1 support in AXIS OS 12 after LTS 2024.

  • To support AXIS OS LTS tracks, Axis has a support contract agreement with the OpenSSL foundation for continued patching of OpenSSL 1.1.1.

ACAP related information

Starting from ACAP SDK version 4.14, we're integrating the latest openSSL Version 3 into the Native ACAP SDK.
Please read more in the release notes and explore API examples on GitHub for details.

What needs to be done:

If any Axis-owned ACAP relies on the OpenSSL 1.1.1 runtime dependency provided by the platform, it requires refactoring and rebuilding with OpenSSL 3 libraries. We recommend utilizing the latest ACAP SDK (4.14) to ensure compatibility with the correct library version.

Software Bill of Materials

A Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) is an inventory of all components included in the software. It has become an increasingly important and common part of software development lifecycle and processes. It allows IT Operations and Security staff to determine which third-party or open-source software is packaged with your software. Having an SBOM is important when it comes to securing your IT systems and protecting user data. 

Why do Axis publish an SBOM?

Axis works actively with the principles of openness and building trust through transparency, the SBOM is a valued addition to these principles. It provides our customers with the information necessary to know whether or not the products we have provided may be vulnerable to cyber attacks.

For which AXIS OS versions?

Axis will provide an SBOM for all AXIS OS releases on active track starting with release 11.2.

What is included?

The Axis SBOM contains information about Axis-Proprietary components and Opensource software used to assemble AXIS OS.

What is excluded and why?

Initially, due to current licensing and technical limitations we cannot provide information about third-party proprietary software and Axis-proprietary components with dependencies. In addition to this some of the packages in the software consist of pre-compiled bundles such as our web interface and ACAPS, which have not in their turn provided an SBOM. Over time our aim is to cover all the third-party components and as much of the Axis-proprietary components as legally possible.

Where can I find the SBOM?

The SBOM is located together with the AXIS OS version it is based on. AXIS OS can be found in the product support or at the download page.

What format and why?

The Axis SBOM is produced in accordance with the CycloneDX SBOM specification. This format seems to be the most usable in other systems and strives to be a minimalist format easy to work with. Advantages of this format can be found here.

What is the difference between a SBOM and the Third party software licenses document?

The Third party software licenses document is meant to list all legal agreements and licenses with third parties related to any intellectual property that allows us to use, market and incorporate this into our products.

What about SBOM for other AXIS software?

This is a start, and we are looking into how SBOM is applicable to other software from Axis.

Where can I find more information about SBOM in general? 

The National Telecommunications and Information Administration provides more educational information about SBOM.

How can I use the SBOM to analyze the software?

The Axis SBOM contains information about Axis-Proprietary and Opensource software used to assemble AXIS OS. The Axis SBOM can be used by third party vulnerability scanners to highlight known vulnerabilities in software packages. A vulnerability that applies to a certain module or feature in a software package needs to be loaded and used by the Axis device. Vulnerabilities in modules that are not loaded are not relevant but may still be flagged by the vulnerability scanner or SBOM information. For more information on how to work with the result of a security scanner see: AXIS OS Vulnerability Scanner Guide.

AXIS OS lifecycle management

AXIS OS supplies three types of tracks: active, long-term support (LTS) and product-specific support (PSS) track.

In the active track, we consistently add new features while also improving cybersecurity. In LTS, we refrain from introducing new features, prioritizing to maintain cybersecurity and ensuring compatibility. PSS will receive updates less frequently compared to our other two tracks, but we remain committed to addressing bug corrections and upholding cybersecurity measures.

Here's a video that explains the AXIS OS lifecycle in more detail. It covers our different tracks, version management, and upgrade recommendations.

Active track

The most updated and feature progressive track of AXIS OS, that is suitable for customers who want access to the newest features and improvements. New products are launched on this track, which means the most immediate access to any new features and updates.

Long-term support track

The focus of the long-term support (LTS) track is to keep the products well integrated with third-party equipment or software, and still get necessary bug fixes and cybersecurity updates. An LTS track has a fixed feature set and a new track is created every two years and maintained for 5 years. No new products or features are added to the LTS track.

Product-specific support

Product-specific support (PSS), is a rare track used when a product needs support after an LTS track has expired. The products on this track will still receive necessary bug fixes and cybersecurity updates. Each product is on its own track, the tracks are not connected with one another. Also, other non-Axis OS products have similar support tracks.

Upgrade recommendations

If upgrading via the web interface it is required to always go through each major LTS track. (9.60 => 9.80 LTS => 10.6). It is also recommended to avoid upgrading with longer version gaps, such as upgrading directly from AXIS OS 10.5 to AXIS OS 10.9. Instead, use all available releases in-between your actual AXIS OS version and the target release of the Axis device. An upgrade from AXIS OS 10.5 to AXIS OS 10.9 should be performed by upgrading through the available AXIS OS 10.6, 10.7 and 10.8 if they are available on

Maintaining a upgrade strategy ensures that your Axis product receives continuous improvements. Axis Technical Services will also recommend that you update to the latest when reporting issues related to an Axis product. But since there may be several coexisting tracks, which "latest" should you choose? If you use an LTS track, you should normally update to the latest version on the same AXIS LTS track. If you intend to use the AXIS OS active track, you should update to the latest available.

  • Question: With my Axis product running on the LTS 2020 (9.80) track, should I consider updating to the latest AXIS OS active track?
    Answer: It is recommended to stay on the LTS 2020 (9.80) track but update to the latest version on that track as long as it is maintained, unless there is a need for new features available from the AXIS OS active track.

  • Question: I would like to run my Axis product on an LTS track, but currently there is no LTS track available?
    Answer: Your product was launched between two LTS tracks. It is recommended to continuously update the product on the AXIS OS active track until an LTS track is available. A new LTS track is available every two years.

  • Question: With my Axis product running on the LTS 2020 (9.80) track, should I consider updating to the new LTS track?
    Answer: Yes, but you should coordinate the change with your other schedules, e.g., VMS upgrade, network maintenance, and camera replacement cycle.

  • Question: My VMS states that it must use a certain version of the LTS track, e.g. version on LTS 2020, but I can´t find that on What do I do?
    Answer: If a VMS is compatible with one version on the LTS track, it is also compatible with the upcoming releases on that track. The reason most VMS's only list one version is because that's the version they've been certified with. Since compatibility is maintained within each LTS tracks, it’s safe to use other versions on that track as well.

With time, there will be several LTS tracks available for a product. All LTS tracks maintain a high level of stability through long-term bug fixing without adding new features. At some point though, technical limitations may make it impossible to update certain components in AXIS OS. In a long-term perspective, it is therefore recommended to switch to a newer LTS track. Please note that a newer LTS track may include new features, changes to default settings, and performance adjustments that could affect compatibility with your system. The products should be updated in a controlled and supervised manner after verification that the new LTS track works as expected in your environment.

Recommended upgrade path for switching LTS tracks when a new LTS track is available. Note that actual notation may differ from those in the diagram.

Downloading AXIS OS

Which AXIS OS tracks are available for an Axis edge device can be obtained when downloading AXIS OS from the download page.

AXIS OS can also be found on the product support page for each product, where you can find all available supported versions and some older. Older unsupported versions will periodically be removed due to known bugs and cybersecurity vulnerabilities that are corrected in later releases. It is recommend to only AXIS OS versions that are supported.

Please see below a list of common tags that indicate different AXIS OS tracks as seen in the picture above.

Tag exampleExplanation
11.10.61 - AXIS OS

AXIS OS active track providing new features, security and other improvements.

10.12.228 - AXIS OS LTS 2022
9.80.66 - AXIS OS LTS 2020

AXIS OS long-term support track (LTS) providing security and maintain compatibility.

8.43.48 - PSS

With and without PSS tag. Product-specific support (PSS) track.

AXIS OS versioning

AXIS OS releases are denoted by a unique number combination. Older releases where named by the year and type of the release but since release 10.10 we changed the versioning. The differences and the significance of each number is explained in the figures below.

  • The major version is incremented after a new active track has been created. This happens every two years when the active track becomes an LTS track.

  • The minor version is indicating what feature set is included and updated with each feature release approximately 6 times per year.

  • The patch number is increased more often, it’s used for adding patches and bugfixes, and only final versions will be available to customers. This means that this number is only a number to mirror the external version with the internal version.

Previous versioning .

AXIS OS Support

When a product has an AXIS OS support date, what does that mean?

The product will be supported during this period with stability and security releases. 

What is required to get the full support period?

The device needs to be upgraded to the latest supported LTS version. For more information on upgrade strategy, see Upgrade recommendations.

Why do some products only show the date for Hardware support and not AXIS OS support or vice versa?

Which dates will be shown depends on what information have been investigated and where the product is in its lifecycle. In some cases no dates are shown, and in other cases two different dates can be shown. If the product has a set end of support date for hardware and AXIS OS, they will both be shown.

Why do the products have such varied end of support dates?

The support dates will be set per product as each product has its own hardware configuration regarding SoC (system-on-chip), memory, etc. Since the portfolio adds new products all the time, we need also to limit the total number of products supported, otherwise the level of support would have to be reduced.

Why do some products lack an AXIS OS maintenance date?

A support date is only available for products that have a determined support period. It will be available for more products in the AXIS portfolio over time. Please contact the Axis Technical Support Helpdesk for further questions.

What happens when the AXIS OS support has expired for a product?

There will be no further updates, improvements, or security patches. There are limitations on how long we can keep a software up-to-date and make changes in an older version. It gets more difficult and complicated to make changes on software that is limited by hardware resources, and there comes a point when we no longer can keep the product cyber secure.

Where do I find out more about the current AXIS OS release forecast, upcoming changes and currently supported tracks?

Please follow and monitor the Release schedule in the AXIS OS portal.

Example of AXIS OS Support:
During its product lifecycle, AXIS Q1656-LE Box Camera will receive new features, higher cybersecurity, improvements and security patches up until 2028. From 2028 until 2033, it will get some improvements and all security patches through LTS 2028, with focus on compatibility.