Web client for AXIS Camera Station - User manual

About the web client

The web client gives access to AXIS Camera Station Pro and AXIS Camera Station Edge recordings and live video in your web browser. Choose to access the system on a private network using the AXIS Camera Station Pro web client (for AXIS Camera Station Pro only) or access your system from anywhere with the AXIS Camera Station Cloud web client.

AXIS Camera Station Cloud web clientAXIS Camera Station Pro web client
Use caseAllows an organization operator or administrator to view live and recorded video from any system within your organization, from anywhere on the internet.Allows an AXIS Camera Station user to view live and recorded video from a system on a private network.
ConfigurationIn general, there's no need for any network configuration. However, our services include monthly 300 GB of relay data per organization. We recommend configuring your network to support peer-to-peer video transfer if your usage exceeds the data limit.Using the appropriate network configuration, you can use the AXIS Camera Station Pro web client to access a server over the internet.
User managementMy Axis users with permissions configured in User management in My Systems. All users have access to all systems within the same organization.The same Windows users and groups with the same permissions configured in the AXIS Camera Station system.
UpdatesThe web servers run on Axis cloud servers and always have the latest features and updates.The web server runs on the same server as your main AXIS Camera Station recording server. Each new version of AXIS Camera Station Pro also includes updates for the web client.

Client system recommendations

ChromeTM version 56 and later, EdgeTM version 79 and later, Safari® version 11 and later
Intel Core i5
4 GB
Graphics card
256 MB onboard video memory
Graphics card driver
Always use the latest version
100 Mbps
Internet access - Required for AXIS Camera Station Cloud web client
100 Mbps
File player for exported video
Supported web browsers and VLC

Access your system

The way you access your system differs depending on whether you’re connecting to a server on your private network with the AXIS Camera Station Pro web client, or through the cloud with the AXIS Camera Station Cloud web client.

AXIS Camera Station Pro web client

Before you access your AXIS Camera Station server on your private network using the AXIS Camera Station Pro web client, we recommend that you install the AXIS Camera Station root certificate. See Install the root certificate.

To access the web client:

  1. Open a web browser and enter https://[address].

  2. Sign in using your AXIS Camera Station Pro account.

[address] is the IP-address or server name for the AXIS Camera Station Pro server.

If you’re connecting to a server on the same computer as the client, you can use the local host IP

Install the root certificate

The AXIS Camera Station root certificate makes sure there is a secure communication between the web client and the AXIS Camera Station server. To install the certificate:

  1. Open AXIS Camera Station Pro.

  2. Go to Configuration > Security > Certificates.

  3. Under Certificate authority, click Export….

  4. Save the root certificate to a location you can access from the client computer.

  5. Add the root certificate in your browser as a trusted certificate.

    There are different ways to do this, read the instructions on how to add certificates for the browser you use.

AXIS Camera Station Cloud web client

Before you can access your AXIS Camera Station Pro server using the AXIS Camera Station Cloud web client for the first time, you must register your system with an organization. See Register your system with an organization.

Before you can access your AXIS Camera Station Edge devices using the AXIS Camera Station Cloud web client for the first time, you must enable connected services on your devices. See Enable connected services on your devices in the AXIS Camera Station Edge user manual for more information.

Read more about organizations in the My Systems user manual.

To access the web client:

  1. Go to https://acs.mysystems.axis.com.

  2. Sign in using your My Axis account.

Register your system with an organization

  1. Open AXIS Camera Station Pro.

  2. Go to Configuration > Connected services > Management.

  3. Click Register and follow the onscreen instructions.

  4. Go to Configuration > Connected services > Management.

  5. Turn on Synchronize system.

Manage user roles and permissions

AXIS Camera Station Cloud web client

The AXIS Camera Station Cloud web client uses My Axis users with permissions configured in user management in My Systems. In user management, you can invite users to different roles and accept invitations. See Invite users and Accept an invitation for more information.

The user roles and permissions are configured on the organization level. For example, if you assign the operator role to a user, that user can access video from any site within the organization.

Invite users

To invite users, go to User management in My Systems. For more information about inviting users in My Systems, see the My Systems user manual on axis.com.

Accept an invitation

To accept an invitation, go to User management in My Systems. For more information about accepting invitations in My Systems, see the My Systems user manual on axis.com.

AXIS Camera Station Pro web client

The AXIS Camera Station Pro web client uses the same Microsoft Windows users and groups with the same permissions configured in AXIS Camera Station system. See Configure user permissions in the AXIS Camera Station user manual for more information.

Use the web client

View live video

  1. Click to open the pane with cameras and views.

  2. Select the source you want to view live video from.

The pulsating green status indicator shows you that you’re watching live video.

Select a stream profile

A stream profile is a group of settings that affect the video stream, such as resolution, video format, frame rate, and compression. To change the stream profile for a camera:

  1. Select the camera.

  2. Open the context menu

  3. Click Stream profiles.

  4. Select one of the available stream profiles.

Optimized for the highest quality and resolution.
Optimized to balance high quality with performance. Only available for AXIS Camera Station Pro.
Optimized for performance.

Pan tilt zoom the image

If you’re using a PTZ camera, you can pan, tilt, and zoom in the live view image. If you’re using a camera with digital PTZ, you can pan, tilt, and zoom in the live view image and in playback mode.

Pan and tilt
Click in the image where you want to point the camera. If you’re using digital PTZ you can also click and drag the image.
Scroll the mouse wheel forward or backward to zoom in or out.

Go to a PTZ preset

You can access any PTZ presets configured in AXIS Camera Station. To go to a PTZ preset:

  1. Select the PTZ camera.

  2. Open the context menu .

  3. Click PTZ presets.

  4. Select one of the available PTZ presets.

View recordings

  1. Click Go to playback to open the playback view.

  2. Select a playback source. See Select playback source for more information.

  3. Click to select the date you think the event occurred.

  4. Use the timeline to locate the recording.

The red status indicator shows you that you’re watching recorded video.

Playback controls
Jump to previous recording
Play recording
Jump to next recording
Skip 0.5 seconds backward
Skip 0.5 seconds forward
Timeline colors
BlueContinuous recording
RedMotion detected
Gray stripesUnknown. In the future, where there are no recordings yet. Or, when you scroll back in time, before the client has loaded recordings from the server.
PurpleCloud-stored recording
Cloud storage
You’ve chosen cloud storage as video source. Or, the web client has switched to cloud storage as video source, which could mean there’s an issue with the device’s storage.

Select playback source

If you’ve turned on AXIS Camera Station Cloud storage for a device, you can choose a playback source.

  1. Click Go to playback to open the playback view.

  2. Click .

  3. Click Playback source.

  4. Select All or Cloud storage.

Playback source
AllPlay recordings from the device or server and from cloud storage.
Cloud storagePlay recordings only from cloud storage.

Select playback quality

  1. Go to the recording you want to view.

  2. Click .

  3. Click Preferred quality.

  4. Select your preferred image quality.

Export recordings


If you use AXIS Camera Station Pro web client, you must install the AXIS Camera Station root certificate to export a recording .

  1. Go to the recording you want to export.

  2. Click .

  3. Move the markers on the timeline to define the start and end. You can double-click the start and end markers to move them to the current time. The selection can contain many recordings.

  4. Click Export. The web browser saves the recording to your download folder.

Share a recording

You can copy a recording link to your clipboard and then send it to someone within your organization.

  1. Open the recording you want to share.

  2. Go to the point in the recording that you want to share.

  3. Click to copy the link to your clipboard.

  4. Paste the link in your message.

Take a snapshot

You can take a snapshot of recordings and of live video.

  1. Open the context menu

  2. Click Snapshot.

The web client copies the snapshot to you clipboard and saves it to your downloads folder.

Search for objects in recordings

Smart search helps you find objects like people and vehicles in your recordings.

  • Smart search in My Systems requires an AXIS Camera Station Pro system version 6.5 or later, that’s registered with the connected services.
  • Free text search in My Systems requires an AXIS Camera Station Pro system version 6.5 or later.
  • Before you start searching, you must configure Smart search 2 in AXIS Camera Station Pro. See Configure Smart search 2 in the AXIS Camera Station Pro user manual.

To search:

  1. Open the My Systems menu .

  2. Open Smart Search.

  3. Define your search criteria.

  4. Click Search.

If the search takes longer than expected, try one or more of the following methods to speed it up:

  • In the AXIS Camera Station Pro Windows client, turn on background processing for important or frequently used cameras.

  • In the AXIS Camera Station Pro Windows client, apply incoming filters to cameras to reduce irrelevant detections.

  • Shorten the search time period.

  • Reduce the numbers of cameras in the search.

  • Define area, object direction, size and duration to narrow down the amount of data.

CamerasTo limit the search by camera, click Cameras and select the cameras you want to include in the search.
Search intervalTo limit the search by time, click Search interval and select a time range, or create a custom interval.
AreaTo filter by area, click Area, select a camera, and turn on Filter by area on this camera. Adjust the area of interest in the image and add or remove points if you need to.
Line crossingTo filter by line crossing, click Line crossing, select a camera and turn on Filter by line crossing on this camera. Adjust the line in the image and add or remove points of you need to.
Size and durationTo filter by size and duration, click Size and duration, select the camera and turn on Filter by size and duration on this camera. Adjust the minimum width and height as a percentage of the total image. Adjust the minimum duration in seconds.
SpeedTo filter by speed, click Speed, select the camera and turn on Filter by speed on this camera. Specify the speed range that you want to include in the filter.

The speed filter is available for products like radars and fusion cameras that can detect speed.

Object charateristics
PersonTo detect persons, go to Object characteristics > Pre-classified, select Person and the clothing colors. You can select multiple colors.
VehicleTo detect vehicles, go to Object characteristics > Pre-classified and select the vehicle types and colors. You can select multiple vehicle types and vehicle colors.
Unknown object detectionsTo include the detections that Smart search classifies as unknown, go to Object characteristics > Pre-classified and select Unknown object detections.
Visual similarityYou can use a search result with a person in the image to search for visually similar persons. Open the context menu in a search result item and select Use as visual similarity reference. Then click Search.

Similarity search creates abstract representations from cropped low-resolution images of people and compares them to other representations. When two representations are similar, you get a hit on your search. Similarity search doesn't use biometric data to identify a person but can, for example, recognize someone's general shape and color of clothing at a given moment.

Free textFree text search allows you to describe what you're looking for in the recordings using your natural language. To free text search, go to Object characteristics > Free text and enter your search text. See Free text search for more information.
Search results
Latest firstSmart search shows the search results in descending order with the latest detections first. Click Oldest first to show the oldest detections first.
ColumnsTo adjust the size of the thumbnails in the search result, click Columns and change the number of columns.
To group detections that are likely to belong to the same event, you can group them in time intervals. Select an interval from the drop-down menu.

Free text search allows you to describe what you're looking for in the recordings using your natural language.


Before you can free text search, you must configure it in AXIS Camera Station Pro. See Free text search in the AXIS Camera Station Pro user manual for more information.

To free text search:

  1. Open the My Systems menu .

  2. Open Smart Search.

  3. Click Object characteristics.

  4. Click Free text.

  5. The first time you’re using free text search, click Show and read Intended use, limitations and responsible use. Click OK.

  6. Enter what to include and exclude in your search. See Prompting guidelines for help on how to free text search.

  7. Click Search.

Prompting guidelines

We recommend using the following structure for your promts:

{person, vehicle or other object} + {specific action or attributes of the person, vehicle, or object}

Describe the object well with a few key descriptors. For example:

A lady in a red sweater and black hatAbout right
Lady in redA little too vague
A lady approximately 156 cm tall, with a maroon cardigan with yellow accents and a late 80’s inspired black sun hat with a tan trimFar too much detail

Describe the situation as if you were talking to a person, someone who was not a surveillance expert. For example:

A yellow pickup truck parked by a treeAbout right
An unmanned vehicle, license plate: CHY67F, class: pickup, color: yellow, position: Adjacent to mighty poplar tree.Too much like a police report

Good descriptors that free text search has a good chance of understanding:

Object classPerson, Car, Bicycle, Animal
Well known brands (car brands, logos)UPS truck

Bad descriptors:

TextA shop sign which says "No admittance to dancing bears"
Emotional cuesAn angry looking man
Counting 14 people milling around a town square
Regional slangA red hoover
  • Free text search supports only English.
  • Free text search understands still images. It can be challenging to get good results using free text search for actions like falling, running, or stealing because they require more context.
  • Free text search uses cropped images, meaning that it might not include the surrounding environment. You might get less accurate results when using scene descriptors like city, urban, park, garden, lake, and beach.

Store recordings in the cloud

AXIS Camera Station Cloud Storage offers a way to store your recordings in the cloud. To configure cloud storage:

  1. Enable the connected services on your devices.

  2. Activate cloud storage for the organization. See Activate cloud storage for an organization for more information.

  3. Turn on cloud storage for your individual cameras. See Turn on cloud storage for your individual cameras for more information.

For AXIS Camera Station Cloud Storage to connect to required services, you need to allow some traffic in the firewall. See Firewall configuration for more information.

Activate cloud storage for an organization

  1. Open the My Systems menu .

  2. Open Cloud storage.

  3. Click Activate and follow the on-screen instructions.

Turn on cloud storage for your individual cameras

  1. Open the My Systems menu .

  2. Open Cloud storage.

  3. Select the cameras that you want to turn on cloud storage for.

  4. Click Turn on cloud storage.

  5. Click Confirm.

Cloud storage settings

Storage setup
Storage locationThe storage location is the region where you store your recordings. Changing the storage location affects only future recordings and doesn't move your old recordings.
Retention time (days)Currently the retention time is fixed at 30 days.
Recording resolutionCurrently the resolution is fixed at 720p.

Firewall configuration

For AXIS Camera Station Cloud Storage to connect to required services, you must allow the following URLs in the firewall:

  • *.connect.axis.com

    • prod.keyserver.vms.connect.axis.com

    • prod.cloudstorage.vms.connect.axis.com

  • *.wasabisys.com

    • *.s3.<region>.wasabisys.com

    • <region>Description


Can’t access the web client in the cloudYou have no internet access.

Make sure you have internet access.

The service is down.

Go to status.axis.com and check if the service is running.

Can’t access the web client on the private networkThe reverse proxy component doesn't start because another process already uses port 443.

Option 1:

Disable the service that uses port 443.

Option 2:
  1. Change the web client port in AXIS Camera Station Pro Service Control.

  2. Restart the AXIS Camera Station Pro service.

  3. Access the web client on https://[Server IP address]:[new port]/web-client/.

Bad video performanceYou’re using too many video streams.Reduce the number of video streams.
The graphic card doesn’t fulfill the minimum requirements, see Client system recommendations.Upgrade your computer.
Can’t export recordingYou’re using an untrusted certificate.Install the root certificate and try again. See Install the root certificate.